Monday, February 17, 2025

Patience. A quality i am told I have by many people for many years.....

 I can wait.

for long periods...years and years.

Shown in my thoughts, understanding and actions. I am almost always willing to wait. Watch. The best things comes when I wait for the high quality results.

I drive slow. I am never in a hurry. 

I allow the child, person, male or female or animal to learn for himself. I don't step in their way and do it for them.

I like long hot slow baths..prefer it over showers in the tub.

I prepare good food and wait for it to be done.

I eat slow. 

I often move slow when walking.

I want to absorb the scenery fully one bit at a time. 

Digesting things slowly, comfortably, easily.

I am understanding, considerate, kind, loving, warm, friendly.

I never push people or rush them.

All these things about me showing my patience irritate my husband to the max as he is directly opposite of me. He is one who expects instant results on almost everything. He cant wait to eat, to see a thing move. He takes over a situation and will not allow me or the cat or anyone time to learn for themselves, to do anything. He grabs things out of my hand. He is pushy, prideful, arrogant, fearful, angry, mean, and basically immature in lots of things. An aggressive driver, drives too fast. When he wants a thing he wants it RIGHT now and loses his temper throwing tantrums when instant results do not happen. He lacks basic understanding of the growth of things, the time it takes to have any item. Fast action is his personality. Rude, insulting. Me first attitude.  A manchild, a little baby toddler in an adult body age 63 years old. He is absorbed in current world news political events as it gives him constant supply of actions by other people going on. He is not instrospective, does not meditate, hate to look in the mirror at himself. He buys ready to drink beverages and food most of the time as he does not want to wait and go through the effort to fix his own tea or snacks. 

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