Friday, February 14, 2025

He can appear to have it all yet seek out others...

 like the 40 something preacher at the baptist church i went to for 8 years.

he who proclaimed to love his wife of 14 years then it was found out mingling with the young ladies in the group. who knows how many he did it with

last i knew in february 2019 he was with the last female conquest, the quiet 23 year old dark haired beauty who had a nice tight body even tho she had cerebral palsy and could hardly walk

he lost his career for life permanently banned from preaching the gospel due to church rules

all for the golden you know what


the 40 something relative of mine with the perfect wife, son, household, big house about 5000 square feet, tons of money and investments and what does he do? gets a 25 yr old 100 lb female who is now 27, who can squirt on video for money


same story worldwide for countless eons 1000s of years... can you or i or anyone really trust a man? or a woman?  most often it is the male seeking out something "different" he is never satisfied with the woman he has regardless of how "perfect" she looks and is and what she does for him. 

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