Tuesday, February 18, 2025

He is fixed rigid and ground hog day making same mistakes over and over again

 Reluctant to try really new things. The only new things he likes to look at are in the media or anywhere such as new different girls women females that look cute. What would he actually DO if he was around these women in person???? Wahlah..the same thing he does to me.. try to shut them up and treat them like a sex doll)

Sticks firmly to familiar items foods activities.

Plays same game daily CHESS. only one game as far as I know

Wont play any games with me like board games. Wont play outdoor activities.

got rid of my bicycle because he demands he sets the seat up too high for me. I could fall off and break my leg or neck with the way he would set it

anytime i do dance or move or sees my body he misinterprets me as being horny when i am not

Rigid as hell

BAF boring as fkkk

CAF confused as fffk

Same old groundhog day shiiit

doesn't want ideas or solutions

continues to think and do things same old way causing

endless frustration anger agony and sheer hell

constantly watches weather and fights it when simple solutions are at hand such as proper insulation in the house and dressing appropriately and aerobic activities such as dancing)

cant enjoy much of anything or have fun

sees anyone happy especially me and throws monkey wrench into it because he is stuck in the toilet hole sewer mind thinking and cant get out of it

so my option is to be STOIC remain silent offer no new suggestions
(his ideal woman/women look like a doll and cant talk speak have no brain or real personality)

 which are things I constantly do and he doesnt want to hear it

he refuses the idea of moving into another house home or anywhere

thinks he is stuck in one place

keeps his furniture stuck in one place

I TRY desperately to no avail to make him realize he has CHOICES and options and he is resilient to most things I say or do

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