Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 9 sore throat still here. Started Sunday 1-3-2016

Day 9 sore throat still here. Started Sunday 1-3-2016
Dark red spots on throat, mucus collects on back of throat. Hard to cough up.
Used cotton swab to get some of the phlegm off because I couldn't cough it up.
January 7, 2016 woke up severe headache nauseated
then proceeded to throw up no visible food particles noon to 1 pm.
January 11, 2016 monday woke up blowing nose yellow green mucus
and blood on tissue.
Dry hacking cough and mild in and out fever throughout this sore throat cold/flu.
Must be a bacteria. Mucus yellow, green and darker almost brown.
Did not go to doctor here. Can't go to doctor.
Married. Husband still has not filled out paperwork received in May, 2015
for health care benefits.

This is the second bought of flu this winter. The last one lasted 3 weeks in
December 2015, with one week of recovery before the next bout hit.

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