Sunday, January 24, 2016

Journals, diaries, now called blogs,
flat stomachs,
big tits,
big butts
computer programming,
feelings rule,
are what I know
and what I did.
I have over 20 years of hand written journals.
at age 9 nine and 10 i had hand written diaries
which were taken by an aries man joshua
while i lived in grandview, missouri
in the year 1980
he told me he took them, confiscated my work,
my possessions
because he thought they were interesting
he mentioned living in sioux falls, south dakota
his friend was stanley stone
who had a brother michael mike stone that lived in
belton missouri

at my age of sixteen a brother of mine made fun of my
journal writings that i had written from age 11 to 16
kept in 3 ring binder hand written on notebook paper
i burned them burned up my life recordings my papers
in the fireplace at my grandparent;s  house because of
an idiot

recordings are the only things that matter
we relive them

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