Sunday, January 10, 2016

Suzy told me
The human reptile amphibian male in an adult body
that I reside/live with
disregards invalidates denigrates undermines impedes
my statements, comments, feelings, insights, opinions, wants,
needs, desires, likes, dislikes, preferences, intelligence, abilities, interests,
hobbies, work, education, experience, knowledge, wisdom,

After I speak for one to two minutes he turns on outside media
with the volume turned up loud shutting me out completely
ignoring everything I say. He rarely remembers what I say in
any situation.

The being is seemingly trying to understand
feelings emotions empathy compassion sorrow happiness
by listening to other psychics and visionaries preach
and by occasionally reading books on the subject
but is having extreme difficulty accomplishing the goal
of acceptance, love and understanding.

This reptilian blood being who appears to be homo homo sapien
on the outside is one of ten children raised by a mother snake.
Mother was a cold blooded half human half reptilian creature
who viewed her children as eggs laid that were nothing but
a nuisance to her selfish self.
Mother's ego was consumed with trying to project a picture
of perfection of the self derived from the ideas based upon
the jehovah's witness religion.
Mother projected the ideals of unattainable perfection
onto all of her 10 children she gave birth to.

Mother did not accept any of her children as they were.
No child was loved and accepted as they are at any time.
She focused instead on what she perceived as faults.
"You need to live your life right".
"Too bad you never got your life together"
"You're never going to amount to anything."

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