Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stay home. cook clean...

stay home
cook clean
don't drive far
let him take over vehicle
don't have any friends
don't go to school
only associate with those
he approves of
turn down many advances of men
have no girlfriends
don't go anywhere to have fun
have no decent good paying job
loved focused gave up life for
man who doesn't love me or anyone
gives fake hugs 2 or 3 times a year
sleep together not
massage not
understanding not
empathy not
appreciates me not
appreciates anyone not
fake phony false personality to the public yes
mean yes
hateful yes
jealous yes
angry yes yes yes daily outbursts of
rage, temper tantrums
vengeful yes yes
greedy yes yes
pride, full of, egotistical egomaniac yes
nothing i am, say, feel or have done meets his approval or respect
only strangers he does not know and will never meet via the media, tv, television.
radio, internet, books, gain his respect
yet he hears them speak and understands not
what they say
he sees no value in current real everyday events of people animals plants life in this world
he has no feelings for other life forms
he has feelings for things that have no
feelings: money, material things

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