Tuesday, August 16, 2016

health issues 8-15-2016

doctor prescribed:
yogurt twice a day, two times a day or 3 if I ate 3 meals a day which I don't
ulcer diet: no or limited high acid causing foods, grease, greasy, oily, salt, salty,
citrus, hot spicey foods peppers, use low fat cottage cheese, beware of pizza,
sauces: tomato, barbecue, hot sauce. avoid caffeeine, black pepper.
make sure i have some food in stomach if i have caffeine.
all of the above irritate stomach lining

jojoba oil
hydrocortisone ointment
heat, heating pad 1 hour then use
tens electronic
physical therapy, recommended elite physical therapy, said they might be using a monthly
plan cost $25.00 per month can go unlimited times

swollen eyes, eyelids, bags under eyes
red eyes, bloodshot
lumps in inside corners of eyes, yellowish-white in color
blurry vision
burning sensation in eyes
yellow, darker in under and upper side of eyeball
june 2016 doctor said have dry eye and dry mouth could be
sjorgen's syndrome
blood tests done
came back negative sjorgen's so
prescribed antifungal diflucan

since march 2016 have had 3 blood tests done/ran

pain in right side upper quadrant april 15, 2009 pain began
left side back burning pain worse after eating
march 2016 doctor said is duedenitis and gastritis
prescribed prontonix
may 2016 doctor prescribed more prontonix

january 2011 began
swollen calves in both legs
varicose veins in legs
brown spots on skin on legs, face, back
pain in calves of both legs

brown spots on top of both hands
red, reddened palms of both hands

brown spots on face
hirsutism, excess, excessive hairiness on face: beard, mustache, sideburns cheeks
arms, legs, back, lower back

skin rash, itchy, crusty spot on back, center right area of spine feels
like nodule lump bump growth under skin, there for many years will not go away

skin rash behind right knee, red, reddened 2016 dr doctor said exczema
skin rash on front of right knee 2008-2009 appeared

black tongue greenish green colored tongue december 2015 first noticed
in mirror, june 2016 doctor said is black hairy tongue
dry mouth dry eye
prescribed antifungal difulcan

scalp on head, left side back of skull itchy, when scratched feels wet, top right back side
lump of something crusty, can feel hair pushed up above it, will not go away
used dandruff shampoos, vo5, suave, clairol herbal essence, john frieda
doctor said is exczema use hydrocortisone or prescription shampoo cannot afford
said make sure there is no alcohol or sulfur in shampoo it is drying

insomnia, irregular, erratic sleep schedules, no schedule at all
eating causes pain in right front side and left back side, burning pain
diarrhea chronic almost daily for many years
bloating, excessive gas
bad breath

thirst, constantly thirsty

march 31, 2016 since then have had only 2 cups of coffee
began 1 to 2 cups of lipton tea bag when i get up late late morning or early afternoon

diet alterations

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