Monday, August 22, 2016

Narc narcissist test: Spill some water by accident or have any kind of accident and notice/watch their reaction

Narc narcissist test: Spill some water by accident or have any kind of accident and notice/watch
their reaction.
Do they blow up, get mad, become angry? Yes, they are a narc/narcissist.
Do they call you derogatory, bad names and shame you? Yes, it is a narc.

Do they say things like:
"You always do that?"
"You tear everything up!"
"You're a mess!"
"You're worthless!"
"You're stupid"
"You good-for-nothing so and so!"
"Why do you always break, spill, mess everything up?"
"You are really a stupid idiot fool"
"No wonder why you're life is such a mess, you can't do anything right. You're a
total fuckhead fuck-up ass hole "
"You'll never amount to anything"
"You never could do or get anything right"
"You're always fucking things up"
"You can't get anything straight"
"You can't get or do anything right"
"You are a fucking idiot"
"You don't understand a gd goddamned thing"
"You never listen (to me)"
"If you would have listened to me this wouldn't have happened"
"I can't believe you did such a thing. Don't you think? Do you have a brain?
"Why don't you use your brain?"

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