Monday, August 29, 2016

The man you are with will have it his way not your way.

The man you are with will have it his way not your way.
He will do what he wants to do.
He will not do what you want to do, the things that please you.

He will expect and demand that you forego, do without things, people, places,
hobbies, work, activities, thoughts, wishes, wants, desires, dreams,
goals that he does not want, do not fit into his past life his upbringing his
mother father brother sister aunt uncle cousin friend
anything not familiar to him or his raising in his life.

He will expect you to give up yourself your identity your own upbringing
your family your life...... in order to serve him.

He will expect you to do what he wants and like what he likes.
He will expect you to accept and be accepted by his mother and model her.
He will expect you to accept and deal with his family.

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