Monday, August 22, 2016

First signs a man likes a woman

First signs a man likes a woman
he wants to feed her, he wants to give her things
He looks at her for more than a few seconds
He makes eye contact with her
He smiles
He laughs
He jokes

If he thinks he "owns" her,
(she loves, admires and adores him,
she would do "anything" for him to please him)
The abuse begins
He takes her for granted
Orders her around
Accuses her of insensitivity and not understanding
(traits he has: projection of himself onto her)
Takes advantage of any opportunity to force his desires,
wants, needs, wishes upon her
expecting full compliance no resistance no delay
immediate response and satisfaction for him
She has to and must wait long periods of time for anything
she needs, wants, desires, hopes for, likes, loves, desires

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