We are all connected.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
911 call. not an emergency. Questions to determine if John is of sound mind. 4-27-2021
911 call. not an emergency. Questions to determine if John is of sound mind. 4-27-2021
What day of the week is it?
Who is the president of the united states?
If you have 6 quarters how much money do you have?
John Layson answered all questions correctly and promptly.
He refused my and Kirk Hupp's request to have an ambulance
and have paramedics look at his left foot.
In the state of Missouri you have the right to make the
decision for your own health care if you are of sound mind.
Monday, April 26, 2021
made up of heavy hard to move objects: entertainment center, refrigerator,
inversion table.
Him: Just go away and leave me alone.
I don't see you cleaning up anything.
You do the laundry and dishes and that's about all.
You're not helpless.
I am tired of your excuses.
Me I can't move heavy things. It's hard to clean.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Acres of diamonds: My fortune is inside me and in my own backyard and circle of friends.
Acres of diamonds: My fortune is inside me and in my own backyard and circle of friends.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Slacking and slothfulness begins in the brain with thoughts
Slacking and slothfulness begins in the brain with thoughts
sloth in the brain means something other than being lazy physically
it means being mentally lazy and just not thinking about
much of anything, instead just automatically reacting to whatever
and doing it because it's advertised or because you see another
person doing it
it is almost a complete lack of the ability to analyze, to ask why
and observe, really pay attention
knowing physical limits does NOT equate with laziness
not knowing physical limits is stupidity and usually comes
from listening to other people who don't know what they are
talking about and trying to make you think you have to do
something and you should compare yourself with others
and say "if they can do it so can I" (which is bull shit)
I like signs sign making quotes poems fables anecdotes
I like signs sign making quotes poems fables anecdotes
mini cards credit card size with poems
moral/morals to the story
poems, sayings, quotes, quotations,
handwriting analysis
food diet health nutrition
life watching observation
anecdotes, true stories about life
Impatience costs a fortune and may cost you your life
Impatience costs a fortune and may cost you your life
Fast food
Prepared processed and fast food
speeding, going too fast
pushiness, rudeness, hatefulness, rude attitude
hurrying anything up
forcing anyone or anything
not wanting to wait, can't wait, unable to tolerate
"idle time" while waiting in line, in traffic, or for water to boil
believing you have to fill up every space and every second
of every minute by doing something "useful"
doing drugs to speed up the body and not resting when it is tired
and needs to sleep, recuperate and recharge its batteries
ignoring nature, instinct and intuition
arguing, fighting for useless things or causes
I can tell alot about a person by what they hurry to do
I can tell alot about a person by what they hurry to do
what are you in a hurry for? what to you
rush to do?
what do you laugh at?
what is funny?
what is humorous?
ME: hurry up to
pay bills early, on time
work first, take care of others needs first then myself
clean up, organize, prepare, get ready
think ahead
think intuit feel
think, think, think
think before i speak, always say nice things
to help people feel good about themselves
When I work by myself i am not a threat to anyone.
When I work by myself i am not a threat to anyone.
No woman to be jealous, no man to chase the cat
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
no one cares about trivia i know
no one cares about trivia i know
no one is impressed with my intelligence, never have been. only my looks, period
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
My cleaning, organizing and patience are being called upon again.
My friend, John Layson, called me this evening around 8:30 pm.
He was born November 13, 1946. He lives in Raytown, Missouri
in a large 3 bedroom ranch house with a full basement.
He is a hoarder.
He bruised his foot, can't get up out of the chair.
My husband and I went to the rescue. Fed his cat first, fed him
next. Gave him water. Going tomorrow to fix broken pipes in
the basement.
We have a huge job ahead of us.
One thing at a time. One day at a time.
Suzy Susie Susan is my other name along with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Princess & the Pea
Suzy Straight was a nickname I got when I was 12 years old.
Shelby Todd gave me the name in 7th grade at Walnut Building
Junior High School in Belton, Missouri because I didn't smoke
anything/cigarettes or dope, didn't do drugs and was clean, neat,
organized, mannerly, pretty. polite, always attended school (never
skipping it) and all the good things. I was brought up in good
households with great parents and grandparents who taught
me many of the right things to do.
Susie was also a name my uncle in law Norman Rutherford gave me
starting back in 1987
if you didn't think it you wouldn't say it. if you say it you thought it and you mean it
trust yourself. you were born with gut instincts. follow them
my spirit is mine. you are a free spirit. you choose what you pay attention to
stand back and look you will have better vision
being in the middle of something distorts your view
allow one to do things. they will figure it out on their own
allowing creative process promotes creation and happiness, joy
obstructing creation causes misery
inside out
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Destroying the guts of humans and animals. Is this on the agenda? Has it been a goal for decades?
Destroying the guts of humans and animals. Is this on the agenda? Has it been a goal for decades?
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Infants are born with intuition. How do adults forget it?
Infants are born with intuition. How do adults forget it?
Ethical definition
morally good or correct.
avoiding activities
or organizations that do harm to people or environment
do the right thing even when nobody is looking
My parents, mother and father, told me the truth. Mom and dad did not lie.
My parents, mother and father, told me the truth. Mom and dad did not lie.
How fortunate I am to have had parents like this.
Babies are born with common sense. Children have common sense.
Babies are born with common sense. Children have common sense.
If a child doesn't like it neither do I.
Gold medal: My friend Tom said I have earned this.
Gold medal: My friend Tom said I have earned this.
Kind and nice people, where are you?
Kind and nice people, where are you?
True, honest, ethical, child like, innocent,
joyful, happy, sweet. Grown up, adult,
responsible. Take responsiblity for the self.
Apologize when they hurt someone by accident
and vow to never do it again.
Real, genuine, unique.
The people who are nice all of the time.
Considerate, gentle, patient, humble, thoughtful.
Use caution with the words that spew out of their mouth.
Speak truth quietly and clearly. Understand truth without
having to have a gazillion examples and explanations
told repeatedly.
Those who treat everyone with kindness, not just
when they want something out of someone.
Some people are
only nice when they think they are getting something l
ike money, attention, sex, physical or material things
out of a person right away then they turn right around
and act horrible after they get what they want.
People focus on the pimple.
People focus on the pimple.
Have "perfect", flawless skin except for one zit on
your face?
Have a skin rash anywhere?
Blemish, pimple, flaw, spot, mark, dent, crack, crooked,
out of line.
Disorder. Mess.
Color not coordinated.
Mixed patterns.
Clothes that don't fit properly: too big, saggy, baggy,
too small
Dirty hair
Funky hairdo, hair style
People focus on the pimple.
Monday, April 12, 2021
Clear away trash first to make room for space. Empty space is appreciated.
Clear away trash first to make room for space. Empty space is appreciated.
I believe in making space first by cleaning and dumping
things not needed. Things will naturally come that
are meant to be later on. I never worry about it.
Others believe in getting another replacement item first
before they think about cleaning or clearing the area.
They believe the same way about replacing people.
When you are not appreciated and taken for granted you are treated like garbage.
He only clears out areas when he already has a replacement item
in mind. He moves things around to make space for another thing
then moves the crap back to where it was.
He has treated me like total trash in the past so this tells me
that there was another person (or people, maybe more than one)
he had in mind to
replace me. He has not told me this. He insists during the last year
I have been
the only one he has been with both "since we've been together" and
"since we've been married". My instincts tell me he was lying,
lies, says whatever he thinks I want to hear.
He likely believes that he is unable to get someone else,
realizes how old he is (we are) and has experienced my
absence for days and more than a week at a time lately
therefore concludes that I am suddently a valuable person
to him whereas before for many years I was not valued much or
appreciated. Threats have been made often when the anger
begins in him like "Go live with so and so", "I am still in good
shape for my age. I could find somebody else"
What I do
What I do
Drink lots of water
drink plain tea and coffee. may add some honey and spices to
tea such as cinnamon, clove
don't drink energy drinks at all
don't drink very often: sugary drinks like soda, kool aid
no drugs, no prescription pills
take vitamins and herbs on occassion
sleep when tired
make sure i go to bathroom (have bowel movement) before i leave home
eat variety of foods: lots of vegetables including onions, carrots, celery daily,
cucumbers, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage,
meat/protein: beef, pork, poultry, fish
eat popcorn with real butter as a snack
eat in moderation
exercise sensibly
brush teeth with baking soda, sometimes use peroxide
don't use mouthwash
rarely use antiperspirant or deodorant. when i do, it is a very small amount
my sweat has hardly any smell, a light smell. must be due
to diet, what i am eating
i cut my own hair. trim is a better word since i don't really
"style" it. no fancy hair cut or do.
i do my own nails, fingernail and toenail. usually have no polish, just plain
i do my own manicure and pedicure. foot file with emery boards and clippers
avoid stress, stressed out people
avoid nasty situations
enjoy company of animals like dogs, cats, birds (viewing and listening
to them sing)
love to see beauty of nature; plants, trees, bushes, all of it
enjoy the view of the sky however it happens to look at the moment
The dentist isn't there to take care of your teeth every day. You are.
The dentist isn't there to take care of your teeth every day. You are.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
How to Accelerate, speed up ageing aging process
How to Accelerate, speed up ageing aging process
symptoms: early death, headaches, nausea, heart attack, stroke,
emphysema, asthma, early grey/gray/greying/graying of hair,
short tempered, easily angered, nasty personality, blood clots,
skin diseases, mental and physical ailments and disorders,
insanity, craziness, mental illness, coma, irrational behavior,
impatience, anger, jealousy/envy, greed/greediness, overweight,
obese/obesity, anxiety, vengefulness
Work in the wrong field
Do work not suited for you
Allow other people to tell you what to think and do
Have no or few interests/hobbies that you like
Believe you can "do anything as long as you have the will and
push yourself to do it"
Believe 'if so and so can do it, then so can I"
Push yourself beyond your limits repeatedly
Drive your body into the ground
Burn the midnight oil often
Believe in the fallacy that you are "lazy"
because you can't do or
don't want to do what someone else does
because you get tired and need to rest
Do drugs to keep you awake longer so you don't allow the body to rest
when it is tired
Take prescription drugs often
Work too long, work too many hours
Stress yourself out physically and mentally
Be a fear monger
Feed off of your insecurities
Push your agenda and beliefs upon others
Be filled with hate/hatred, meanness
Do not rest,sleep enough or allow
the body, mind and soul time enough to recup
Do not have free time
Do not meditate
Have no peace or silence/silent moments
Feel pressured most of the time
Always think you have to be doing something
You believe you have to be doing something productive at all times
(this equates to money, thinking money is dominant over all else)
Believe silence is useless and equivalent to death and nonproductivity
Eat the wrong foods
Eat lots of processed manmade items such as
refined sugar, flour, oils like corn cotton seed
canola processed manmade vegetable oils
Over cook most of your food
Instead of chewing food, put most of it in a blender
and drink the "juice" without allowing it to sit in the mouth
and produce enzymes important for digestion
Consume lots of sweets and carbohydrate foods
such as/ like pastries, candy, candies, donuts, pies,
cakes, cookies, pasta, noodles, breads, soda pop,
fruit juices, sweet drinks whether they are sweetened
with sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup or
artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame potassium,
sucralose, splenda,
Eat very little or no vegetables, fruits, wholesome
protein food like meat, fish, poultry, chicken,
turkey, pork, nuts or other animal or vegetable foods
Eat the same things every day
Have very little variety in the diet
Eat out of habit instead of desire and cravings
Never allow your stomach to empty
Never let yourself get really hungry
Eat animals that are fed the wrong diet
Stay inside a house or building most of the time
Do not go out and breathe fresh air
Do not exercise very often
Do not stretch the muscles
Stay too hot or too cold for too long
Exercise too much and too often
Do the wrong exercises
Do things that make the body hurt, be in pain
Eat and drink things that are not (real) food
Drink very little water
Try to keep up with "everybody else"
Try to adopt a lifestyle that is suited for someone else
Have a limited social life
Have very few associates, hardly any friends
Associate with hateful, negative people
Ignore yourself, your instincts, your body and intuitive gut feelings and signals
Listen to ignorant and uninformed people
Listen to and believe in the media ads, advertisements, news, wars,
gossip, political and religious negativity
Believe you must fight to get anything; everything is a huge fight
Believe nothing is every easy
Believe you have no control over yourself
Believe you don't have a choice; you have no choices
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Right as rain
Right as rain
"You're right as rain", a man used to tell me many years ago.
It's been so long ago I do not remember his name.
He was an old man, perhaps as old as I am now (59)
and I was younger, perhaps in my 20's at the time.
Friday, April 9, 2021
not pretentious
(of courage, pride, etc) difficult or impossible to defeat or subdue
cannot be subdued or overcome
will, courage, unconquerable)
strength is in my softness, understanding
still waters run deep
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Why do some people freak out when they see me cleaning? Are they hoarders? Afraid of losing something?
Why do some people freak out when they see me cleaning? Are they hoarders? Afraid of losing something?
Moving things around, mopping/cleaning the floor,
dusting, washing, tossing things out in the trash...
these actions have caused certain individuals to become
panicky, afraid and upset.
Mopping or cleaning a floor with water or any type of
liquid has seemed to be one of the most
upsetting things to do around these people.
Some of these people are hoarders.
What, possibley, pray tell, are they thinking?
"OH, I might use that piece of trash one day",
"I might need that", "It could come in handy",
"It holds memories for me", "It's mine. I bought it,
I found it, so and so gave that to me",
"It makes me feel good"
"I feel better having all this (too much) stuff"
"I love collecting things and having many collections
and groups of gadgets laying all around everywhere
in sight so I can look at this c r a p anytime I want to..."
All I want to do is clean up, straighten and organize
things and get rid of unusable trash and things that are not necessary.
Color coordinate, balance the scenery and provide
plenty of room to move around and lots of
empty space so I can see and BREATHE better.
Some I know and have known have become hysterical when they
discover the new clean view or watching me clean things up.
It's almost like they are afraid of losing the filth and
dust that goes along with a dirty house/business/any place.
To me it is unliveable and nasty, To them, it is home/homey
and comfortable to wallow in these messes.
It reminds me of a landfill. A huge trash dumpster or bin
with garbage, stinking and unbearable to look at
much less smell.
Anticipation is the most fun of all. Waiting is well worth it. Hunger is necessary for happiness.
Anticipation is the most fun of all. Waiting is well worth it. Hunger is necessary for happiness.
Babies know it all naturally. Remain child like. Be yourself in the moment.
Babies know it all naturally. Remain child like. Be yourself in the moment.
babies, children, kids do all these things without being
told to do so. they don't need direction or advice.
hungry eat
sad cry
pain cry
avoid pain
seek pleasure
tired sleep
happy laugh and smile
happy cry giggle
love hug kiss cuddle
bright colors
play in the water, the dirt, the sand
curious ask questions like
what is that
why do ...
how does... how long .....
who was...is...
when did/does this/that
where are we going?
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Nobody wants free advice. It costs too much.
Nobody wants free advice. It costs too much.
They'd rather pay a lot of money for something
they could get for free.
A person cannot change the personality they were born with.
A person cannot change the personality they were born with.
Drugs and psychotherapy are a bunch of crap.
My spirit belongs to my body as long as this body is alive. Spirit is unique to each life.
My spirit belongs to my body as long as this body is alive.
Spirit is unique to each life.
It can't be taken away by anyone. It can't be bought or sold.
It can't be replaced.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Kind souls versus tortured souls
Kind souls
like to see beings happy
like to join people together in groups like parties and
love life
love the little things
are innocent and can be considered gullible
never mean to harm anyone or anything
Tortured souls
are out to get you
hate to see happiness in others
are miserable
try to force others to be miserable
cause conflict whenever they can
destroy others property
stop, block others from attaining things and joy
can appear to be super sweet on the surface so you
it is hard to detect their covert lying mean backstabbing
behaviors like lying, stealing, cheating, getting rid of your
things and moving your stuff around to make you frustrated
want all of the attention
try to smother others
fake, pretend to love and care but really want total control
I look the Devil right in the face. I am brave.
I look the Devil right in the face. I am brave.
I have said this for many years.
Floodgates of truth happen as I remember things.
Floodgates of truth happen as I remember things.
Truth is awareness.
Truth opens up all doors.
Dreams, intuition, feelings do not lie.
An enemy is where you least suspect it.
An enemy is where you least suspect it.
You will recognize them by their fruits
...Matthew 7:16
when you meet a person you can tell what kind of fruit exists in their lives. Is
there kindness, gentleness, love, peace,
patience or joy? Or do they have anger,
bitterness, brawling, malice or deceit?
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15
Imagine a wolf lurking around wearing
a sheep's costume. His next meal is what he gains by his false appearance.
For even Satan disguises himself as and
angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14
These truths remind me of my current and past life situations.
This reminds me, once again, of the very strong, lucid dream I
had back in 1992 when I first move in over here.
It was a dream of me outside in the afternoon
daylight, calm weather
A flatbed trailer on a truck pulls up by me in
a yard
The man gets out of the truck
At first he appears very nice and angelic
Then he becomes a raging bull, full of hate,
bitterness and meanness.
He is very angry, yelling, face red
evil incarnate.. one of the most evil
creatures I have encountered in my life
and I have seen many
He is raging and then.....
I very calmly
calm him down, somehow with my essence
and the underlying message is :
"Protect the child, protect the children"
this was a prophetic dream of my future to come
I haven't yet experienced the scene with the man driving the truck
with the trailer yet however I have
lived through the mean, hateful raging bull maniac
Other people with sheep's faces
exist and have been in my life
including many women and men
Focus on what I like, what makes me happy
Focus on what I like, what makes me happy
Think of what I like and what is easy for me
Always be happy when someone else is happy
Never think, say or do anything to deliberately
make another sad, unhappy or miserable
Be around happy people and animals
Little Bear
Little Bear
Little bear, you are strong
Your spirit is mighty and long
I miss you, little bear
I am crying for days
because I can't be with you
Soon, when your trial is over
we will share happy times together again
You know the lessons I have taught you so well
They will stay with you always
No one can take them away from you
The way people can take stuff away
Memories and feelings are forever
Just remember, I am always there
even if you can't see me
There is an invisible pipeline between us,
just like you said
Monday, April 5, 2021
Smothercating smothering someone runs them off
Smothercating smothering someone runs them off
let go
leave them alone
allow one to be who they are
allow a person/people to discover things on their own
allow them to make own decisions
be don't tell
be quiet (I talk too much)
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Examples and effects of being ostracized
verb (used with object), os·tra·cized, os·tra·ciz·ing.
to exclude, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, privileges, etc.:
His friends ostracized him after his father's arrest.
to banish (a person) from his or her native country; expatriate.
(in ancient Greece) to banish (a citizen) temporarily by popular vote.
Workplace Ostracism: Tackling the silent office bully
Unlike harassment which requires direct engagement between the bully and the victim (e.g. harming, demeaning, belittling, causing personal humiliation), the primary objective of the ostraciser is to disengage with the victim; to disconnect, isolate and not involve.
Some examples are as follows:
Being ignored or avoided at work
Being excluded from conversations
Suffering the silent treatment
Involuntarily sitting alone in a seminar
Noticing others avoiding eye contact with you at work
Not being invited to work events / coffee breaks
Ignoring or failing to respond to your emails
Paying little attention to / interest in your opinion
Excluding you from important work activities or meetings
Keeping information from you that you should have known
Can Ostracism Cause Lingering Pain in Your Brain?
However, if a person has been ostracized for a long time, people can’t continue to cope with the pain and often eventually give up. This is the third stage, called resignation.
The third stage is called resignation. In some people who have been ostracized, they become less helpful and more aggressive to others in general. They also may feel an increase in anger and sadness. “Long-term ostracism can result in alienation, depression, helplessness, and feelings of unworthiness.”
Doctor said I have no cataracts, no glaucoma and no macular degeneration which is good. He said my pupils were well dilated so he did not ha...
am i really a failure? am i doing what i am able to do? OR am i unable to fit into other people's boxes, unable to keep up with dem...
Any person I am talking to immediately diverts their attention to someone else or some animal or some other things in the area. They drop t...