Thursday, April 8, 2021

Why do some people freak out when they see me cleaning? Are they hoarders? Afraid of losing something?

Why do some people freak out when they see me cleaning? Are they hoarders? Afraid of losing something?

Moving things around, mopping/cleaning the floor,

dusting, washing, tossing things out in the trash...

these actions have caused certain individuals to become

panicky, afraid and upset. 

Mopping or cleaning a floor with water or any type of

liquid has seemed to be one of the most

upsetting things to do around these people.

Some of these people are hoarders.

What, possibley, pray tell, are they thinking?

"OH, I might use that piece of trash one day",

"I might need that", "It could come in handy",
"It holds memories for me", "It's mine. I bought it,
I found it, so and so gave that to me", 
"It makes me feel good"
"I feel better having all this (too much) stuff"
"I love collecting things and having many collections
and groups of gadgets laying all around everywhere 
in sight so I can look at this c r a p anytime I want to..."

All I want to do is clean up, straighten and organize

things and get rid of unusable trash and things that are not necessary.

Color coordinate, balance the scenery and provide

plenty of room to move around and lots of

empty space so I can see and BREATHE better.

Some I know and have known have become hysterical when they

discover the new clean view or watching me clean things up.

It's almost like they are afraid of losing the filth and

dust that goes along with a dirty house/business/any place.

To me it is unliveable and nasty, To them, it is home/homey

and comfortable to wallow in these messes. 

It reminds me of a landfill. A huge trash dumpster or bin

with garbage, stinking and unbearable to look at 

much less smell. 

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