Sunday, April 11, 2021

How to Accelerate, speed up ageing aging process

How to Accelerate, speed up ageing aging process

symptoms: early death, headaches, nausea, heart attack, stroke,
emphysema, asthma, early grey/gray/greying/graying of hair,
short tempered, easily angered, nasty personality, blood clots,
skin diseases, mental and physical ailments and disorders,
insanity, craziness, mental illness, coma, irrational behavior,
impatience, anger, jealousy/envy, greed/greediness, overweight,
obese/obesity, anxiety, vengefulness

Work in the wrong field

Do work not suited for you

Allow other people to tell you what to think and do

Have no or few interests/hobbies that you like

Believe you can "do anything as long as you have the will and

push yourself to do it"

Believe 'if so and so can do it, then so can I"

Push yourself beyond your limits repeatedly

Drive your body into the ground

Burn the midnight oil often

Believe in the fallacy that you are "lazy"

because you can't do or 

don't want to do what someone else does

because you get tired and need to rest

Do drugs to keep you awake longer so you don't allow the body to rest 

when it is tired

Take prescription drugs often

Work too long, work too many hours

Stress yourself out physically and mentally

Be a fear monger 

Feed off of your insecurities

Push your agenda and beliefs upon others

Be filled with hate/hatred, meanness

Do not rest,sleep enough or allow

   the body, mind and soul time enough to recup

Do not have free time

Do not meditate

Have no peace or silence/silent moments

Feel pressured most of the time

Always think you have to be doing something

You believe you have to be doing something productive at all times

(this equates to money, thinking money is dominant over all else)

Believe silence is useless and equivalent to death and nonproductivity

Eat the wrong foods

Eat lots of processed manmade items such as

   refined sugar, flour, oils like corn cotton seed

   canola processed manmade vegetable oils

Over cook most of your food

Instead of chewing food, put most of it in a blender

and drink the "juice" without allowing it to sit in the mouth

and produce enzymes important for digestion

Consume lots of sweets and carbohydrate foods

such as/ like pastries, candy, candies, donuts, pies,

cakes, cookies, pasta, noodles, breads, soda pop,

fruit juices, sweet drinks whether they are sweetened

with sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup or

artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame potassium,

sucralose, splenda, 

Eat very little or no vegetables, fruits, wholesome

protein food like meat, fish, poultry, chicken,

turkey, pork, nuts or other animal or vegetable foods

Eat the same things every day

Have very little variety in the diet

Eat out of habit instead of desire and cravings

Never allow your stomach to empty

Never let yourself get really hungry

Eat animals that are fed the wrong diet

Stay inside a house or building most of the time

Do not go out and breathe fresh air

Do not exercise very often

Do not stretch the muscles

Stay too hot or too cold for too long

Exercise too much and too often

Do the wrong exercises

Do things that make the body hurt, be in pain

Eat and drink things that are not (real) food

Drink very little water

Try to keep up with "everybody else"

Try to adopt a lifestyle that is suited for someone else

Have a limited social life

Have very few associates, hardly any friends

Associate with hateful, negative people

Ignore yourself, your instincts, your body and intuitive gut feelings and signals

Listen to ignorant and uninformed people

Listen to and believe in the media ads, advertisements, news, wars,

gossip, political and religious negativity 

Believe you must fight to get anything; everything is a huge fight

Believe nothing is every easy

Believe you have no control over yourself

Believe you don't have a choice; you have no choices

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