Saturday, April 30, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
Head injuries brain damage trauma
Age 6 fractured skull right side. Hit head on concrete curb after falling off bicycle first day riding a bike . Doctor ordered I stay home in dark room for 30 days a whole month no school. I lived in California, Huntington Beach or Garden Grove. First grade elementary school:
Age 13 or 14 . Leslie wellington landed on top of my head full force coming down water slide at sunny shores lake kansas city missouri. Hard hit shoved me under water nearly knocked me out unconscious, had bad headache and vision visual disturbance
Age 16. Kicked in head on top left side knocked out unconscious by a man who then raped sodomized me. Woke up with severe headache next day.
Age 36. Multiple boxes of car axle drive shafts fell off shelf onto top of my head while I was stocking shelves at car quest auto parts. Nearly knocked out. Saw tunnel vision hazy black area around tunnel view after injury. Taken to research medical center by parts driver Dave. X-rays and other tests then doctor said to take it easy a few days stay home.
Dave Mowrey lives in house on 8404 Stark Ave Raytown, Missouri 64138 behind John William Layson at 8413 Spring Valley Rd Raytown, MO who I met in 1997, 1998 or 1999
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
LOOK FOR People like this (my own preferences)
people who are happy to see others happy
they are happy when i am happy
they don't make me leave the party early
allow others to do what they want and need to do without interfering, stopping, blocking, hindering
genuinely care and help/aid other beings in their quest to feel good and healthy
have reasonable "expectations" of other beings/life forms, any type be it plant or animal
love to see things in their natural state
love nature (are not FAKE and are not attracted to false/falsities, glam, glitter,
people who appreciate
people who admire unique qualities in other beings
people who praise
and give genuine compliments
those who are NOT controlling of each and every thing and animal and person around them
those who are self confident, NOT egotistical, insecure
Friday, April 22, 2022
Monday, April 18, 2022
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Friday, April 15, 2022
shoes: sandals, tennis,boots
pants, jeans
shirts: short sleeve, long sleeve
coat, long
ONE soap for skin, hair, clothes to wash
bottle water tea coffee
universal basics human animal world
LOOK AT ME I will be seen
LISTEN TO ME I will be heard
attention recognition desired: full attention is best
accepted: desires and wants to be accepted , heard, seen, desired, wanted
for the self and in a group or by the individual
wants to be recognized: if not recognized and getting attention then will do variety of things to accomplish it: talking, yelling, raising voice, screaming, whining, temper tantrums, fits OR
smooth sounding singing sweet voice
show off
physically, mentally, heard, results of actions
looks, beauty, attractiveness
work done, results, material things and accumulations, money
sing, sings, singing, dancing, writing, books, news, stories,
being ignored rejected ghosted unwanted not heard nor seen is bad unbearable hurts hurtful painful emotionally damaging
pretty girls, women, females : males boys men are suckers for attractive creatures, are
attracted to want to bed down .. will seek opportunity to have sex and or lay be close to . they want the attention from
attractive strong males competent smart fast intelligent desired by female
tricks hacks budget money saving wise wisdom
healthy choice
drink water
avoid sugar sugary sweet drinks; soda, fruit juice or flavored
buy it before you need it or want it
get it on sale
look for bargains, clearance, discounts, deals on anything anywhere
forget brand loyalty regarding most food and drink items
single ingredients BUY
prepare it yourself
anything processed or already prepped is usually more expensive and less healthy as in
detrimental to your health
listen to yourself first
common sense rules : goose, geese, animals have it so do I and you
hurry rushed have to have it do it now can be destructive and costly in many ways besides money
patient patience rules:
watch listen pay attention : the fruit the end result shows the process
own permanent press clothes. do not buy clothes that wrinkle, stain easily, need to be ironed or taken to the dry cleaners
watch and listen to others. they are repetitive in their words and actions. habits are formed and rule the being, human, animal or plant.
predicting the behavior becomes easier when you watch and see the patterns emerge in the animal
telling someone what to do is useless; they are not going to follow advice
people will do exactly what they feel compelled to do
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Appeared to be asleep in class at school in the mornings
during junior high and high school
I sat in class
so tired due to being nocturnal and having "insomnia"
my head resting sideways in my hand
sitting in the chair
awake but not really
sleeping with eyes open
teacher called on me some times to answer a question and
thought i was asleep and didn't know
and i answered the questions with ease
because i knew them and
learned quite well
paid/paying attention
easily and
quickly rapidly soaking up the information
even though they mistakenly believed I had no clue
Does this mean skip college and university for me?
I can float right through this stuff
Each man I have been with has blocked stood in my way denying me further advanced education and ability to obtain a degree in anything.. coming up with invalid reasons/excuses each time.
so now one person like me can participate in online schooling and if I wanted to I can do this slowly and surely obtaining any degree I want
Skip college, the man said about Damon a few years ago
at dollar tree 89th and wornall
employee said "Skip college"
when he heard my grandson Damon
talking about the pipes in the building
I said yes he is ready to go to work right now
Basics of life: get to the point and skip all this stuff
Life: feel good = look good
Stay simple, child like and joyful,
Healthy is your wealth and wisdom
health: emotional, mental, physical, spiriitual/spirit/soul
Religion, cults, any systems or groups causing divisions
and separation/ separate thinking of life forms
groups, bands, sects
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Monday, April 11, 2022
Father : Gilbert John Wilson, Sr
32nd degree mason
church goer
told me about illuminati
kansas city, raytown, missouri
friends with many people cultures ethnic background all over the united states
had map of us in his head
didn't know a stranger
intelligent, wise
Business man, full blow entrepreneur
Had wallet full of money typically.
Showed me 1000 bills when I was in my teens and 20s
Supportive of my self, ventures, interests, of me for who I am
never lectured shamed humilated me or others when i made a mistake
generous, giving
genology family history buff
very good memory all the way to day he died at 75
work ethic high, electrical job on his mind day he died january 28, 2003
wallet full of cash money most of the time
service oriented
good hearted
When I asked him (my dad) how my mother saved up 3 thousand dollars back in the
70s 1970, 1971, he said "She didn't spend it"
TOLD me my husband didn't want me to go to school because then I wouldn't need him anymore
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
People speak for themselves.
I speak for me
I don't "try to make someone look bad: they make their own
appearance by themselves."
Brutal beasts are often in men
beastly behavior
rash impatient rude mean
destructive / constructive
cold hearted selfish
How to dress in the midwest
base layer: underwear, panties/briefs, bra
short sleeve shirt
long sleeve shirt
long sleeve sweater
short jacket with hood
medium length coat
long coat with hood
ski mask
tennis shoes
snow boots
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Desiderata and other poems like this
Desiderata and other poems like this
Memories go way back 30 years ago when I had this poem on a poster
hung it on the wall in my room and he said
I don't like that
Now I know why. He doesn't understand it nor any other thing
similar to it.
Nature loving artistic person. Loves caterpillars
I saw a young man crouched down over the sidewalk yesterday
at longview community center
I asked "Did you find some money?"
Did you find a bug? .. (I was wondering what he was studying so intently down on the ground..
"Oh, it's a baby caterpillar!"
Do you ever look at them? he asked.
Oh, yes .. I love to look at them. I put my finger down on the ground by it and it didn't
crawl up.
He put his finger beside the caterpillar and a few seconds later it crawled onto his hand.
He moved towards the grassy area and very gently let it go then he said
"It doesn't want to go in the grass"
"Probably because of the poision people probably put down. It is spring time and the grass
is beginning to grow. People put chemicals like weed killer bug poison and all that on the
grass. The caterpillar probably senses it. "
At this point I finally realized
this is one trait of the nice, peace loving, natural and nature adoring person
who truly appreaciates life and forms of life.
Nice car, old man. Your wife looks like crap due to your years of abuse
she will look like a truck ran over her
a train wreck
a mess, a pig, a cow, twisted angry face female bitch with wicked eyebrows
unless ...
she learns this fact of life and stays clear of him
and his angry shitty hostile attitude and
controlling nature
He is NOT a nature lover or peaceful person
HE gets what he wants. HIS/THE wife is abused neglected ignored discredited
HE gets what he wants
focuses on his money, material things
HIS/THE wife is abused neglected ignored discredited
pushed aside, used up like a wrung out dish rag
threatened criticized condemned by him
HE takes advantage of her love, her big heart so he can get access to her body
and have SOMEONE some woman around like a picture hanging on a wall, like a
porcelain doll without any mind or feelings
AND what she wants should cost zero dollars
so he can spend most of his money on things he wants for himself
such as: house home car truck motorcycle or any other thing he wants
Eventually he grows old
and is alone and often remains by himself UNLESS
he meets some young (naive) female usually much younger than himself who knows the score
about life and she doesn't mind having sex with an old decrepit looking man so she
ends up with the money the property and any other physical material thing he had
HE is a fool
IT the attraction / relationship began with HIM
admiring her looks... they all want a cute, pretty nice looking female and these
materialistic ones will destroy the very essence of her beauty and femininity given
enough time
In public he often appears to be nice friendly makes small talk chat
with females
HE notices every person in the environement like most of us do
HE makes a mental note of any attractive female any place anywhere he happens to
see her
He is NOT a nature lover or peaceful person
Nice truck, man ! Beat up wife.
She looks haggard
worn out
used abused
after years of the mental and
sometimes physical beatings
He is NOT a nature lover or peaceful person
You could (have) had any man you want , he said
MOM, you can have any man you want
why did you pick losers?
Monday, April 4, 2022
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Shut UP ... quit telling others what to do and noting what you see going on..
we learn for ourselves
quickest way to piss somone off is to tell them what to do
tell them what they want
what they should feel
I have no idea what someone feels, needs, wants or is thinking or
what they want to do
Friday, April 1, 2022
Bathroom is my office. Toilet throne
he or no one can come up behind me on the throne
i hear him coming then
see him head on
Hot fudge sundae or strawberry shortcake? Both are good
depends on preference
choice at the moment
not one is better than the other
Amazing miracle I am breathing and still alive in this body
considering the things that have happened or could happen
Doctor said I have no cataracts, no glaucoma and no macular degeneration which is good. He said my pupils were well dilated so he did not ha...
am i really a failure? am i doing what i am able to do? OR am i unable to fit into other people's boxes, unable to keep up with dem...
Any person I am talking to immediately diverts their attention to someone else or some animal or some other things in the area. They drop t...