Friday, April 29, 2022

Head injuries brain damage trauma

 Age 6  fractured skull right side. Hit head on concrete curb after falling off bicycle first day riding a bike . Doctor ordered I stay home in dark room for 30 days a whole month no school. I lived in California, Huntington Beach or Garden Grove. First grade elementary school: 

Age 13 or 14 . Leslie wellington landed on top of my head full force coming down water slide at sunny shores lake kansas city missouri. Hard hit shoved me under water nearly knocked me out unconscious, had bad headache and vision visual disturbance

Age 16. Kicked in head on top left side knocked out unconscious by a man who then raped sodomized me. Woke up with  severe headache next day. 

Age 36. Multiple  boxes of car axle drive shafts fell off shelf onto top of my head while I was stocking shelves at car quest auto parts. Nearly knocked out. Saw tunnel vision hazy black area around tunnel view after injury. Taken to research medical center by parts driver Dave. X-rays and other tests then doctor said to take it easy a few days stay home.

Dave Mowrey lives in house on 8404 Stark Ave Raytown, Missouri 64138 behind John William Layson at 8413 Spring Valley Rd Raytown, MO who I met in 1997, 1998 or 1999 

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