Tuesday, April 26, 2022

LOOK FOR People like this (my own preferences)

 people who are happy to see others happy

they are happy when i am happy

they don't make me leave the party early

allow others to do what they want and need to do without interfering, stopping, blocking, hindering

genuinely care and help/aid other beings in their quest to feel good and healthy

have reasonable "expectations" of other beings/life forms, any type be it plant or animal

love to see things in their natural state

love nature (are not FAKE and are not attracted to false/falsities, glam, glitter, 

people who appreciate

people who admire unique qualities in other beings

people who praise

and give genuine compliments 

those who are NOT controlling of each and every thing and animal and person around them

those who are self confident, NOT egotistical, insecure 

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