Friday, April 15, 2022

universal basics human animal world

LOOK AT ME  I will be seen

LISTEN TO ME  I will be heard

attention recognition desired: full attention is best

accepted: desires and wants to be accepted , heard, seen, desired, wanted
for the  self and in a group or by the individual

wants to be recognized: if not recognized and getting attention then will do variety of things to accomplish it: talking, yelling, raising voice, screaming, whining, temper tantrums, fits OR 
smooth sounding singing sweet voice 
show off 

physically, mentally, heard, results of actions 
looks, beauty, attractiveness
work done, results, material things and accumulations, money 
sing, sings, singing, dancing, writing, books, news, stories, 

being ignored rejected ghosted unwanted not heard nor seen is bad unbearable hurts hurtful painful emotionally damaging

 pretty girls, women, females : males boys men are suckers for attractive creatures, are
attracted to want to bed down .. will seek opportunity to have sex and or lay be close to . they want the attention from

attractive strong males competent smart fast intelligent desired by female

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