Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Broken back today. Barely able

 Severe lower back pain 

Could barely pick up laptop off the bathroom floor 

 Thought about er in the emergency room

 But what are they going to do?.

Probably would do pain pills which eat up your gut guts

Don't want pills


Monday, March 27, 2023

Chuck was NASTY

 2014 i ended up being is one and only caregiver

charles strand born november 29, 1948

chuck the cheapskate tightwad penny pincher

more than frugal... evil stingy greedy 

took advantage of any situation person place or thing to try to use to his advantage. ..a super great shopper met his match one day a woman who outshopped him, jeri... a woman with a kind heart who said chuck don't buy every single one on the shelf because it is on sale, be considerate and leave some one or more for other people.  he reluctantly did it.

a true money grubber . single never married in his his life. no children, no kids, no family to carry on his genes. he told me he would have sex with a woman many years ago and immediately jump up clean up demand she clean up. he used hand lotion on himself to take care of his personal needs as he grew older living alone and watching porn pornographic material magazines movies etcetera.  

he might have been a reject when he was a young teen upon entering puberty. girls probably pushed him away for the most part due to his personality, definitely not his looks when he was young he was actually a strikingly handsome man. he became overweight fat in the gut ruptured hernia poking out of his belly when he was in his 50s. 

humiliated me did not appreciate what i was or what i was doing for him

ripped me off 600 dollars supposed to pay me 600 for 6 days trip to houston texas 

for his stage 4 liver cancer liver replacement options for surgery

was so nasty to me while we played bingo in the hall that a man who was a former sheriff in the department in texas glared at chuck said i will put you 6 feet under in the dirt if you talk to this lady that way again...mister we don't treat ladies like that here in texas and i won't hesitate to take you out right now

chuck said "what are you a moron??!!" to me when i was playing bingo

i don't know if he started out being such an ass hole when he was a child. however he sure ended up that way.  the next door neighbor to john layson on spring valley road in raytown, missouri. 

i ended up being the caregiver for john layson, by accident, also. not sure if i believe in karma or whatever thing people want to call it. that is what ended up happening. me, the caring loving motherly type. me: kind, giving, considerate always thinking about other people wanting to share, wanting everyone to be happy and feel good. me, ending up around miserable selfish greedy self absorbed grouchy old men and people including women at times.

judging others all the time. considered people worthless stupid mean   ...basically the very things he was LOL

Definition of an asshole ass hole

definition of an asshole 

n. Vulgar Slang.

1. anus.


a. a stupid, mean, or contemptible person.

b. the worst part of a place or thing.

 anyone who says don't talk to them

don't tell them or anyone this or that

keeps you distanced and away from people

this person may have something or many things to hide





criminal activities 

sensitive personal information about them they don't want you to know

covering up things information





Women talk

 To all of those tight lipped people (guys men or gals women)

trying to keep secrets, keep it covered up...

...don't tell anyone this or that

eventually the word gets out

some women talk about anything and everything

Sunday, March 26, 2023

How many people can I deal with in a day?

 Before it is too much....

What is the safe number?


Never had a fancy wedding. Never had a honeymoon

 3 marriages

All dirt poor poverty 

1. May 1979. Grandview church. Mother attended,  no one else. Utmost in poverty with an infant 6 months old . Had been with him since January 1978. 

2. October 1981. Miami Oklahoma fast overnight quickie marriage.  Back to work the same day.  No celebration . Had been living with him since March 1981.  I was 19.

 3. February 1998. At home.  Preacher came for 50 bucks.

 Dad was there along with inlaws I didn't invite.  No celebration or honeymoon afterwards . Had been living with him since December 15, 1991. Took that long for him to make up his mind. 

 Cheapest and poorest ways the knot was tied. 

When did it become commonplace for others to raise your child

 While mother goes to work? 

Word Up by Cameo

 first song I asked John about when I started working at super flea 

back in January 2000

he knew right away it was the group CAMEO

Music is gonna save me

 just like when i was a child teen 

in my 20s






 Dennis Beebe  7th history 

Robertson   art 7th 

Romig   math 6th grade

Audrey Ashburn 

Larry Marshall  10th spanish

Dawson  driver's ed

Stephenson. P.e  gym

Clara   9th English 

Russell   9th  English   

Civics 10th 

Home economics 7th  

10th chemistry 


Saturday, March 25, 2023

17 Jobs you can do with scoliosis







Nutritionist dietician 

I wonder if I can do these after I have back surgery 

And an allowed and able to obtain the formal education required for them 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

She praises adores He seeks admiration

 what a balance

he wants total admiration

she gives it all to everyone

this is observation of people i know

Constant thing: Working doing things WATCHED

 All being observed

men: is she available for sex

women: does she look better than me and will get attention from the guys more than me

15 Things Guys Are REALLY Thinking When They See A Beautiful Woman

 15 Things Guys Are REALLY Thinking When They See A Beautiful Woman (theclever.com)

15 Things Guys Are REALLY Thinkibng When They See A Beautiful Woman

Nervousness occurs when a need is there

 visibly antsy shaking the body

moving about nervously

anticipating going somewhere to do something

looking around/about the environment

not paying attention to the person or people in immediate area

may appear frantic, anxious

wanting to leave as soon as possible

animal behavior

humans, cats, dogs, virtually any type of animal does these things

as I have observed, noticed

Needs are at the moment. Anticipating them can make me a fortune

Bootcamp: Life is everyday

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The things I need to do are exactly what he doesn't want me to do

 Freely stretch my body


do full squats


bike bicycle

clean house as needed when I can with no restrictions

dress up in nice clothes and go out to nice places not low class dives


Be friendly

Talk to people

If someone gave me an expensive car I'd sell it

 jaguar, mercedes, bmw, whatever fancy expensive overrated automobile...

sell it 

use the money to live

spare myself the headaches of ownership of an impractical thing I don't need, want, have no use for

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Health status

 Annual wellness check physical


Colon cancer screening


Breast cancer mammogram screening 


Blood work 


Std tests 


Heart lungs kidneys .. Fine  






Need 2 fillings and cleaning 

What's it worth?

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit." -- Harry S. Truman

 Your Daily Quotation:

"It is amazing what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit."

-- Harry S. Truman

From conquering the world to not wanting to get out of bed

 Am I that little girl 

That tween insecure scaredy cutie who

Wants to be perfect 

Wants to be pretty.. imagine most beautiful what a lie

Wants to be loved 

Falls in love easily

Tried tries to conform 


Shape myself to whoever is around 

Whatever is in environment 

Ending up never can please 

Never the perfect one 

Undesirable unwanted tossed trash on the side of the road kill 

Murdered down the ravine 

Can't go slow enough 

Can't be fast enough 

Speed isn't right ever is it ?

Easy lay or hard to get I'm wrong both ways either or neither love or not. Hot or cold. Quiet or talkative I lose and lost the game they play. 

Not getting anywhere 

Not going 

Dead zone girl  

They get another find someone else to squeeze life out of shove rod into body strangle slap spit on shit on til Dead

 No more breath 

I breathe too much 

Take up too much space 

Move over  

Get out of my way 

Shut up your stupid mouth trap 

Clamp jaws 

No food no water 

Watch her wither dry up dead old bitch 

Young dumb girl old lady hoe woman 

No brains 

No muscle 

Go walk the streets pregnatto can't afford to feed you slutface cunt worthless hole 

Talk nice to me only when you want it in the mood, got it from me the hole between my legs or in my head then

back to being rotten abusive to me and finding another whore then another..more and more to slap around while you laugh at me because I am a fool and so are they we believed it when you said I love you and you are mine nobody elses . The whole time you knew you were lying and I didn't know it neither do most girls and sweet women   

Punched kicked in the head sodomized raped awake and in my sleep..creeps.. thrown down on the ground. Faux strangled shoved targeted by moving objects blacked eyes and one tried to rip my right breast boob off my body after bashing me in face blackening both my eyes right and left. Bitch he said I'm going to rip it off of you...  

What did I do what did I say . Not anything this one was drunk drugged up and driving hit a fire hydrant before trying to kill me. 

Sober ones are just as mean. Alcohol and drugs are an excuse for some not all .. lying cheating beating criminal abusers. Many clean cut joes johns beat a girl a friend a stranger their woman wife kids dog or whoever is around in the line of angry fire


People will buy about anything




Monday, March 20, 2023

Don't have a lot of time left

 Don't have much going for me 

Old 61, crippled broken back in chronic pain, ugly, fat, flabby, out of shape, stupid, incapable unable of doing much of anything important worthwhile, undesirable, unwanted, 

Not much has changed with me since I was born unwanted unexpected prior to and following birth 


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Things I can't give to others. Character traits must be learned by the self.






We all want attention, feel important, noticed. Hey look MOM, DAD !!!

Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.

Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.

Delmore Schwartz

American poet

NONfood and drink items

When you're living on next to nothing, on a budget, have to feed yourself and your family daily weekly monthly like I have done starting when I was 16 years old. I learned what to do when I only had 5 bucks to spend for a day to eat and survive.

Shopping for groceries is easy peasy for me: Go straight to the fresh food aisles for meat vegetables and fruit. Use caution in the frozen food aisle: get flash frozen fruit, veggies and some types of meat that do not have coatings of msg flour funky unknown flavorings.

Fresh food: Meat, veg, fruit, dairy: eggs, milk, butter

Beverages: Stick with plain tea, coffee and make it myself

Spices: buy separate individual plain fresh, dehydrated. Avoid any type of concoction that is already put together as a lot of of them contain mostly salt msg miscellaneous unknown ingredients such as "natural flavor" 

Sparingly buy any processed food in bags, boxes, cans, bottles (any type of container) such as snacks and beverages. 

Avoid these 

Processed by man, factory/factories, farmed fake 

Sugar loaded drinks and artificially sweetened, dyed, color, enchanced, beverages

soda, flavor aid koolaid, gatorade, sports drinks, fruit flavor usually in plastic containers 







prepackaged mixes: gravy, sauces, seasonings, fake cheese sauces usually in powder form


Friday, March 17, 2023

Short tempered people: Been dealing with all of my life

 Husband, grandma/grandmother (maternal), ex husband. Hot tempered. Easily aggravated. Throws temper tantrums often.  

Sits and stews brews anger daily over whatever is going on that they don't like .. usually something someone said or did or meant or implied or didn't do or was about to do. Broods/brooding. 

Becomes quiet for awhile with fixed gaze then picks their appropriate time which almost always coincides with dinner time meal time or at any time of day.. the first thing in the morning is also a favorite time ... or when coming into the door of the house. Will find something somewhere to be upset about and yell. 

then she/he will blow a fuse, cork, the rage and temper becomes out of control... 

they fly into a rage like a screaming banshee

I was a child living with grandma when she did this "stunt" almost daily at home in the car, or anywhere we were togegther where there WERE NOT OTHER people around. She didn't want anyone else to hear her nasty words or see her when she committed her heinous crimes of throwing fits at me frequently.  

I was trying to figure out what she was and I became interested in psychology. I thought she was a "hysterical neurotic" after I read about psyche disorders when I was 10, 11, 12 and a teenager.

By the time I was 10 years old I thought I wanted to be a psychiatrist. Later I decided psychologist due to finding out the educational requirements and length of time it would take to be a shrink who could dispense meds. 

He does the same thing. Status is important. What would the neighbors think? 

She wanted to be perfect. She said she was a perfectionistic and very proud of it. She wanted me to be her model of perfection. She said she was going to mold me. 

She had an extreme aversion and hatred for cigarette smoke and any kind of smoke. She quit smoking cigarettes September 17, 1967. Benson and Hedges gold pack. So after she quit suddenly this smoking became one of her frequent topics of conversation saying how much she hated it and that "rich people don't smoke" (Haha. Look at hollywood bollywood celebs celebrities then and now today with all of the drugs some of them do. The are simply people like anyone else. Not special, perfect or godlike in any way.  Not above any kind of habit, activity, desire, urge, instinct good or bad)

So I would almost be like a frozen model doll alot of the time not knowing exactly when the shit was going to hit the fan and doing my best to do my chores my homework my duties .. go to school. Clean house. There was a whole lot of house cleaing at grandma's house. She had chores for me to do constantly every single day. She could not stand to see me relaxed. Happy enjoying myself. Or anyone else. 

She had to upset me and nitpick, nag, bitch pick a fight. Blow up. 

She thought it was "good to get anger out of her system" with a "good fight" every once in awhile, claiming it was good and cleared the air.  She was proud of her hot temper and controlling nature.

Proud of her money and material things. Her house, clothes, car. Furniture. Nice things. Said she thought she looked like a million bucks. 

The get pissed over a look on my face. A word I said or did not say. The way I look. The way I act. My tone of voice. My preferences in food, music, activities. My thoughts spoken or unspoken. 

My dreams, desires, hopes wishes. My peace and love I feel and talk about and display. My hugging other people. Jealousy ensues.  

Who I hang around with. Who I talk to. Who I don't talk to. 

Grandma taught me some beneficial things: Keep my body, house and car clean. Eat high quality good healthy food. Take vitamins. Manage money. Stay out of trouble. Be honest. Keep my "nose clean". Sex is the number one thing men want. Stay away from people who look bad and do bad things like being dirty in mind body soul and surroundings.  Do not associate with criminals. Work a "decent' job. Earn money legitimately. Don't cuss/use curse words (even though she cursed like a sailor often..I was not allowed to say even the word "crap" around her). Watch my mouth. Be respectful, polite, courteous. 

She never showed me how to figure a checkbook or actually manage money.. I learned it all by myself after I left her house/home and lived on my own with husband one two and three. But I remember her methods of keeping all the bills in a holder on the wall in the kitchen and paying them on time. 

I remember her taking me shopping for clothes and she would get items on sale. She bought me new, nice clothes until I was 14 when I told her I wanted to pick out my own clothes. Then she put her foot down because I wanted control over my own dress choices and she never took me clothes shopping again. 

Any time I display my own choices which differ from hers or his they become extremely upset. Lack of control. 

Sweet innocent young fresh female is desired. Forget all the glam glitter flashy attempts to look sophisticated.

 Natural clean beauty is always desired by males/men/boys of any species.

The are attracted to the maid, cleaning lady, young tween girl who scrubs and cleans,

cooks and washes clothes. She wears simple ordinary plain looking attire not trying to attract 

attention at all.

She draws the most attention by being coy coquettish girlish shy 

I know from my own experiences.

I have stripped myself down to nothing but plain clothes, no makeup, no or minimal jewelry,

No hair dye/color. 

Plain Jane

Simple Sarah

Typical male is probably not that picky when it comes to mating female(s)

Knowing and doing are two different things.

 Lots of us know alot of things.

Doing or not doing them is the key.

Cream at the top. Living with what I need and want. Trash the rest.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Loser or leader ?

5 common troublemakers

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Good habits result from resisting temptation."

-- Ancient Proverb

on his death bed dying of stomach cancer he wanted me desperately.. William Burns

Celebs do what average person is afraid to do. Fame and notoriety ensues, the end result.


no privacy anymore

being watched intently constantly in each and every activity of daily moments of life

Reinventing wheel is not necessary; Basics rule life.


air food water sunshine reproduction replication 


seen loved adored appreciated by others : parents first

sibling peers school mates teachers bosses co workers 

the self

Money is fine: Fame is questionable.

 subconcious soul knowings

What is the difference between me and any other person? Celebrity, famous, not famous, ordinary or otherwise...

 I want my privacy


control of my life totally not dependent upon anyone else's opinions

directions views input 

What I don't do determines what I can do

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Fortunate is the person who has developed the self-control to steer a straight course towards his objective in life, without being swayed from his purpose by either commendation or condemnation."

-- Napoleon Hill

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Different types of drunk

 Low self esteem 







none is the word

no loans

owe nothing on credit cards

no student loan

no mortgage










Friday, March 10, 2023

My own wishful thinking. I thought that other people were like me. No way. Most are not.

 My nature as a small child: Extremely sensitive, intuitive, loving, kind, helpful, empathetic, giving, considerate. Caring, soft hearted, thin skinned. Cries easly. Moody.

Fun loving. Inspiring. Helpful. Attentive.

Cooperative. High spirited. Gracious. Grateful.


Bending over backwards to do anything I could to make or keep another person or animal happy. Keep or make peace. Run from fights, screaming, yelling, war, destruction.

It is still my basic nature however has become quite diluted due to me being in survival mode. I feel like an animal living in a cave most of the time. Anything to avoid a fight. 

Living with one after another who is NOT like me. Working around and experiencing the variety of people who are not really one bit kind. Not soft hearted. Hard as a rock. The kill or be killed attitude. Warlike. Ready to start and pick a fight even without a reason, 

I can't talk sense to insanity. Being logical does no good with a crazy person.

 The story of my life. 

Wasting my breath talking logic and acceptance that each creature is a unique individual.

Crazy does not comprehend logic regarding the fact that each person has differences in perception, needs, wants, desires, creative and destructive expression.

Crazy insane believe that all should be the same. Differences are not allowed.

Any variation from their view will result in immediate persecution, torture, isolation, your death/a murder, attempted murder slow or fast via any one of various methods

Party animal without the alcohol, liquor or drugs

 I'm a..

one of these kinds of people


Is overrated

begins in infancy : adults are taught it and teach their children

news and media: movie, music, books can promote it

Can cause: 



mental illness







mental emotional physical abuse

destruction of self, others and property


self loathing




lack of self confidence, self esteem

low regard for individuals without many resources, money, wealth, fame

early death

fear: unresolved, unknown, 

bias, prejudice



Does having visitors/company come over make you clean house more often?

When a woman turns into/acts like a man...

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Clean floors : one of my priorities

Never had a facial

I've never had a manicure pedicure

Don't expect anyone to know how you feel... Ever

 They don't know

Don't care

Don't want to know

Most stand in judgement

Remain and retain their beliefs and opinions

Forget trying to convince


Much to anyone

Labeled pegged sticks in your brain

Watch your ass. Everyone else does

Cat's view at the top is what I see

 black cats

white cats

any color or type of cat 

feline family

i love 


i am

Some act like they haven't seen a bosom or a butt

 some act like they haven't seen flesh

when a bosom or butt is viewed

we all have a chest and an ass 

so what's the deal

House home like a hotel: A desire dream wish

If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you'll get the best. Begin to live as you wish to live." -- Author Unknown

 Your Daily Quotation:

"If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you'll get the best. Begin to live as you wish to live."

-- Author Unknown

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 do not distract male from their work

do not distract female from their work

job duties activities 

anything a man male boy sees can distract him 

anything a woman female girls sees can distract her 

from concentrating

If you like yourself you can never be alone... However it is good to socialize with others in person

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain

 Your Daily Quotation:

"The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself."

-- Mark Twain

Friday, March 3, 2023


 Work when other people destroy what I do 

Try anything because I am blocked 

love spreading appeals to me naturally