Monday, March 27, 2023

Chuck was NASTY

 2014 i ended up being is one and only caregiver

charles strand born november 29, 1948

chuck the cheapskate tightwad penny pincher

more than frugal... evil stingy greedy 

took advantage of any situation person place or thing to try to use to his advantage. ..a super great shopper met his match one day a woman who outshopped him, jeri... a woman with a kind heart who said chuck don't buy every single one on the shelf because it is on sale, be considerate and leave some one or more for other people.  he reluctantly did it.

a true money grubber . single never married in his his life. no children, no kids, no family to carry on his genes. he told me he would have sex with a woman many years ago and immediately jump up clean up demand she clean up. he used hand lotion on himself to take care of his personal needs as he grew older living alone and watching porn pornographic material magazines movies etcetera.  

he might have been a reject when he was a young teen upon entering puberty. girls probably pushed him away for the most part due to his personality, definitely not his looks when he was young he was actually a strikingly handsome man. he became overweight fat in the gut ruptured hernia poking out of his belly when he was in his 50s. 

humiliated me did not appreciate what i was or what i was doing for him

ripped me off 600 dollars supposed to pay me 600 for 6 days trip to houston texas 

for his stage 4 liver cancer liver replacement options for surgery

was so nasty to me while we played bingo in the hall that a man who was a former sheriff in the department in texas glared at chuck said i will put you 6 feet under in the dirt if you talk to this lady that way again...mister we don't treat ladies like that here in texas and i won't hesitate to take you out right now

chuck said "what are you a moron??!!" to me when i was playing bingo

i don't know if he started out being such an ass hole when he was a child. however he sure ended up that way.  the next door neighbor to john layson on spring valley road in raytown, missouri. 

i ended up being the caregiver for john layson, by accident, also. not sure if i believe in karma or whatever thing people want to call it. that is what ended up happening. me, the caring loving motherly type. me: kind, giving, considerate always thinking about other people wanting to share, wanting everyone to be happy and feel good. me, ending up around miserable selfish greedy self absorbed grouchy old men and people including women at times.

judging others all the time. considered people worthless stupid mean   ...basically the very things he was LOL

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