Sunday, March 26, 2023

Never had a fancy wedding. Never had a honeymoon

 3 marriages

All dirt poor poverty 

1. May 1979. Grandview church. Mother attended,  no one else. Utmost in poverty with an infant 6 months old . Had been with him since January 1978. 

2. October 1981. Miami Oklahoma fast overnight quickie marriage.  Back to work the same day.  No celebration . Had been living with him since March 1981.  I was 19.

 3. February 1998. At home.  Preacher came for 50 bucks.

 Dad was there along with inlaws I didn't invite.  No celebration or honeymoon afterwards . Had been living with him since December 15, 1991. Took that long for him to make up his mind. 

 Cheapest and poorest ways the knot was tied. 

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