Friday, August 4, 2023

Understanding methods, efforts or lack of effort

 In order to figure out life, what is going on, what to do, who to trust or not and all of the interesting stuff of life....

Easier to stereotype, put people in a box. Labels make it easier to find stuff, group things together.

Stigma, category, group, cult, sect, organization, division...

Patterns are what we look for ...and find them we do.

All or nothing, on or off, good or bad, black and white.... this type of thinking strictly limits and isolates any person, place, thing.  Requires little thought or introspection.

A lack of awareness of the vastness of universes. The myriad of unlimited combinations of unique forms of the all.

Boxing people up, tying and padlocking the box can seem to make perfect sense to immature mind 

It shows you or can't handle "IDK" " I don't know"

Understanding the unlimited limitless possiblities and combinations of any and all things and creatures in so mind boggling that I am not sure I completely understand it. However, I am sincerely trying to go on and enjoy life with its "mess" and total uncontrollable chaos. Unexpected random chance things occur without an apparent reason, cause, direction. 

Like a cycle hurricane tsunami tornado ..spinning out of control by anyone .. Who knows who or what is going to end up anywhere at any time. 

It is easy to shelf a thing or a person, it is more difficult to observe without judgment, attempts to control and dictate the individual or the group.

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