Friday, September 15, 2023

Kick in the teeth, slap in the face ,expression, actions say it all

 Heard the words happy mothers day from 2 people last may 14

Fake words. Not meant sincerely at all. No actions matched.

Late afternoon she brought food from dennys restaurant. She had spent the previous night at his house. A young thin blonde woman apparently a "friend" he said she hangs out at a bar plays beer pong which i didnt know what that was. Had to research it.

He introduced me to her quite late, not until sunday afternoon and she and him were sitting on the couch with the tv on for hours talking to each other the night before. He stayed home that night, saturday, instead of going out to bars like he did normally every sat nite all night long for years. 

He said she was on disability, had scoliosis which she did not have. She said she has cystic fibrosis and has to take medication be careful what she eats.

He had given her the money and she drove to dennys to pick up the cooked food.

She ate, she fed her 2 small boys. He ate and he made sure his son ate the food, too.

We were outside on the big patio at his house.

Not one asked me if i wanted any and i had not eaten anything yet that day. So i starved.

And i remembered that i had cooked many meals for him and his son. It was a weekend routine, cook at least some eggs on sunday afternoon for all of us.

I fed him since his birth, breast milk the first few days and fed him the very first foods he ever ate.

I took his son to dennys many times. I fed his son for years, 9 to be exact, while i babysat him since he was 3 months old.

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