Thursday, December 19, 2024

conversations with strangers i do not live with are vital for accurate information

 discussed reality of life with some person working at a store again yesterday

mind blowing facts disclosed 

truths of life 

as one you dont have to answer to or live with everyday i/we/you more willing to be straight up honest 

i appreciate the ability to get out and about and see the world and how much in common we humans are


life is not fair

men and women are not equal

the guy if he had a "side piece" will have her because she gives him peace no drama daily having to listen to anything she is "bickering", complaining, bitching about..

he just wants to go to work come home and have peace

that is exactly what i want. i want peace and harmony both at home and at of the most difficult things to accomplish... 

how to maintain a peaceful lovely life at home living with a war monger who is focused on battling the world daily. unable to solve the worlds problems and not interested in solving his own personal issues or those of any individual he knows he is frustrated continually and unhappy. he himself is the bitching complainer never satisfied . he does not know how to calm himself in most situations. i cannot fix him. he must fix himself. he must learn on his own. 

is the best way to teach him or anyone else by having my absence? not being around and taken for granted anymore. . the awareness of losing, you lost him or her or you are going to lose them .. is that the catalyst to awareness of just how good it is with the person you are with?

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