Thursday, December 19, 2024

he finds out what i want then sets me up so i "cant' get it myself

 then takes responsibility for "buying me things" or doing things for me that i could have done for myself

rips away my decision making on stuff so he can take credit for everything

if i had twice as much money as him that would shake him up, rattle him so bad that he would feel even more powerless than he feels now

having more money gives him confidence in himself.. an illusion of power, control, dominance, intelligence, super all knowing abilities

throwing me a crumb of attention once in awhile..calling me names getting defensive when i ask a simple question accusing me of being accusatory/accusing him of stuff like i said earlier..devilment is what some men/women do when they go out and leave the house....

i said i know what some men do i have been on this planet a long time. i know exactly what i have experienced. 

he throws back a question to me instead of answering the question i asked

"what do men do when they leave the house?"

he fires back "what do YOU do when you leave the house????"

"it depends of what is on my mind..." he finally responds

"i have to get out of here and go walk at the park in the woods so i can get some real exercise. walking around sams club or walmart is no good."

all this conversation began with his statement about the male cat we "have" that leaves and stays gone for days at a time. he said that is what male cats do. take our female cat lizzy she is smart she doesnt go far from home

very true. female beings tend to hang around and "nest" in familiar locations

male wants to run around and roam

so what does this male cat "cuddles" do when he is gone for days? well, i assume he has found several places around here where he can be fed, eat and lay around and sleep in safety... just need a tracking device on him to find out where he goes. 

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