Saturday, December 14, 2024


 the dead sister in law. one of 5 sisters of my husband

am realizing that he does a lot of the same things she did and so does the other 4 sisters of the family

karen was...

all about looks

fake put on crying tears acting like she cared about someone but was really feeling sorry for herself

about the money, control, 

intensely jealous of anyone anywhere 

watched all others carefully, criticizing accusing attacking anytime she could acting as if she was a victim and everyone was after her

managed to work at various places and i have no idea how she could keep a job anywhere with the way she was

followed the news constantly like he does

compared herself to everyone else 

jealous envious of anyone anything she thought had something she didnt have

constantly on the phone whining to people

plotting revenge

2 faced fake fako nice to your face then turned savagely threatening 

accused us and others of spying on her, tapping her phone line, sabotaging her car, hurting and molesting her daughter

called police so much they made her quit harassing them in lees summit when she lived there

caused disruption and fights wherever she lived

her mother was spiteful jealous towards her and mother could never be pleased with karen or her other 4 daughters

pretended to care about a person by giving some gift ..expected total appreciation thanks and admiration of her because she brought you a thing. several incidences come to mind.. she gave her mother a pair of slippers in pleasant hill missouri senior apartment complex. the mother did not like the gift instead mother marge marjorie came up off the chair charging towards karen lashing out at her yelling i dont like it i hate it dont need your presents...

then turn around do the 180 flipflop by backstabbing lying stealing cheating hating your guts accusations trouble maker caused trouble, fights wherever she goes

accumulated her so called friends to fight in her defense and threaten to kill me, him, us, to murder

made constant threatening phone calls her to my house and would leave continuing messages filling up the answering machine and did it so much that mike finally had our home phone disconnected 

accused her own brother of molesting her daughter amber back in 2002 or 2003 or so which incited anger in me at such an accusation which would destroy his life. mike's answer was calm and all he said was " i was never alone with her (the baby girl daughter amber)" he never said ' i did not do it, i would not/never do such a thing to a child as pedophilia, or its not me , ... he never acts irate or disgusted or protective of a child over the idea of a child molester attacking a kid. not like me, i become very protective defensive over the babies, kids, children ...he has zero protective instincts over kids anywhere anytime i have ever been with  him somewhere he in fact gets pissed off if i show any concern over the welfare of a child.

loud, vicious, aggressive, attacking, accusatory

feigned faked that innocent little lamb face of beauty / innocence  then did the jekyll and hyde devil face in an instant

got on the telephone calling lots of people..i remember her lying on the couch in her apartment in lees summit mo when i was babysitting her daughter. she was calling all kinds of people whining about how terrible these other people were in her life supposedly attacking her, threatening her, following her ..she was paranoid to the max

accused everyone of using her and she was the one doing the using

appearance her face hair clothes body were most important rather than having inner true beauty

stole any type of item thing belonging to others in family or friends or roommates 

old karen took me to a mexian restaurant once in lees summit to act like she was being nice doing me a freaking favor only because i was babysitting her baby girl daughter 

interesting fact; he likes to go to mexican restaurants also the fast food cheapo taco bell being the favorite exactly like karen when the nicer "sit down" restaurants are much better quality and price and food 

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