Friday, January 17, 2025

A FOOL CHASES. The Court Jester. MOTLEY Fool

A fool begs, pleads, demands. He/she runs after things and ulitmately chases them away. They brag upon themselves and put others down.

The fool chases after these things:





Material things

the jester

definition of a fool: one who is silly, not serious, stupid, jester, clown, asks stupid questions, says bull sh**t that doesn't make sense and doesn't need to be said, lacks good sense of judgment. 
Add to this: one who incessantly repeats stupid statements as if they are a broken record, a parrot.

gullible. easily deceived. dresses in wild looking unmatched clothes. goofy looking face. can't be serious. makes fun of others when it is they that are funny looking, silly and stupid acting. 

spends money on frivolous things, bad food like sweets, candy, fast food junk.

wont listen to any words of wisdom. 

Cannot think for themselves. Relies on other peoples opinions in order to decide. Makes other people look like a fool, an idiot. Mocks, criticizes, ridicules, condemns and believes this will make them look better, smarter and more intelligent. Relies on status quo.

I see I am the direct opposite of this definition.  I am a serious person. No jokes, joking about things. I don't make fun of others to try to make myself look better. I don't laugh when seeing others get hurt.

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