Wednesday, January 22, 2025

at 19 i was smart/smarter

 incidents i remember:

an older man i forgot his name was at the car wash at 63rd st close to raytown rd

i was going to wash my car

he took over immediately saying women dont know how to wash the car properly and proceeded to use the spray wand and wash my car

an immediate insult cut down to me and females in general

i quickly extinguished that man from my life after that comment and i told my new boyfriend that this guy hung around bothering me at work and i was scared he was going to do something to me. the boyfriend went to this guys house and warned him face to face on his porch to stay away from me. bf had a buck knife in his back pocket just in case the guy was armed

bits of memories from 1981 about this guy

he hung around my job where i worked as a cashier at town and country markets convenience store

he had dark brown curly hair and stood between 5 feet 7 to 5'9" medium build

he lured me to his house one time and i slept in a bed there one night thank god he did not push himself on me so i never had sex with him

he came in drunk one time i was at work. sloppy. slurred speech. telling me how much he wanted me and we needed to be together as i was perfect for him


dewey truck driver old man from lee's summit hung around came into my job at the same place


job at sambos 

some old man another drunk was harassing me at work begging me to come to his house and one of the cooks named tom at the restaurant i worked at went with me to see this crazy man he wouldnt leave me alone. tom was very nice to me respectable and protective of me. tom called me baby cakes and never tried to touch me or said anything out of hand. tom was tall skinny longer dark hair had big eyes. one of the few respectful men i have ever known

tom was a guy and knew what this ass hole was up to..trying to get me alone at his place so he could rape me.

i was so young and did not realize what was going on


i had a firey temper when it comes to rude obnoxious people...

this tall guy around 6'4" or so white with brown hair would come into sambos where i worked as a waitress. he was drunk sometimes, other times sober. talked very loud, yelled at the waitresses demanding things as if we were slaves. one time i was fed up with his a hole behavior and i stood in front of the booth where he sat and i said " why dont you get up on the table and do a tap dance for everyone? that would entertain us and you get get attention that way instead of yelling at everyone"

his jaw dropped. he shut up and next times he came in kept his loud mouth shut


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