Friday, January 17, 2025

Dirt poor or filthy rich man: They all respond the same way to a beautiful girl. They can't resist.

 DESIRE their company. To be around the female that is attractive.

They have different methods of trying to get in her pants.

Some guys are bold, direct, to the point. 

Some skip all the niceties and go straight for the goods like Ted Bundy or similar psychopaths. They don't want to have to work for any attention.

Some take their time being friends first. Acting respectful and polite.

Some act shy but inside they are wolves just waiting to attack.

Some are very controlling and want to own her. Trap her. 

I have been around a long time and worked at lots of jobs, been to many places.

At some jobs my presence made some of these men act like total jerks and weirdos. I did nothing to make them think I was attracted to them at all. I dressed business like, conservative. I dressed like a man wearing mens overalls, flannel shirts, baseball caps, large plain t shirts, painters pants, mens work boots. I wore no makeup. I used to do work like a man. This drove some of them insane and they acted like pure idiots. It made it difficult for me to work, having to deal with these goofy acting fools who tried to get attention by saying stupid things and cracking stupid mostly sex jokes at me.

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