Monday, January 20, 2025

Living with a paranoid schizophrenic man

he hates doctors. he doesn't trust them

he will not seek any mental psychiatric help from any counselor psychologist or any person whether they are a doctor or a civilian, a normal regular person

 he suspects is suspicious of anyone and everyone of anything

he feels threatened by any words that conflict with his beliefs and becomes angry and threatens me and sometimes has hit me, shoved me, pushed me down to the ground

he has said no one can be trusted. he has trust issues and says most people will do bad things at any opportunity

he was suspicious of every neighbor we have until he finally got to know them

he has trouble figuring out social behaviors of people and why they do what they do and say what they say

he wrongly assumes what i or anyone is going to say, trying to say and frequently cuts me off finishing sentences for me

he has trouble figuring out what i am doing regardless of the activity and asks me what are you doing

he accuses people of criminal behavior

people are out to get him and have bad motives

any public place we go to he thinks people are always watching him

restaurants, stores, parks anywhere we go he likes to go in walk fast get one thing or a few things and leaves going thru the checkout without me

he thinks people are staring at him when we are eating at a resturant

he thinks people think i am stealing something when we shop anywhere like walmart, dollar tree and will go off on me if i crouch down to the floor to look at stuff, open my purse for any reason

he likes to walk at one park which has hidden trails and says he won't go for a walk if there are alot of people there

he sees the world as a terrible place full of dangers, villains, suspects, 

he is only partly comfortable with a few people that he has gotten to know 

he doesn't want strangers in the house for fear they are looking at stuff we have and will come back burglarize rob and steal things out of the house

he is addicted to sugary drinks juices, green tea with high fructose corn syrup, carrot cake, snack cakes, candy bars, hard candy, french silk pie sold at sams club, little packages individual serving sizes of honey roasted peanuts and prefers the sugar coated snacks over healthier options like plain nuts, breyers ice cream the flavored types are his choices, beef and sausage snacks, potato chips with flavors and coatings instead of plain chips, fritos chips flavored, flavored rum chata, any type of canned fruit loaded with sugar, sweets, artificially flavored and colored food and drinks, 

holidays; he will get me a card for valentines, my birthday including money, sometimes for our wedding anniversary. we do not celebrate any holiday in normal ways like other people do. no true thanksgiving, christmas, easter, mothers or fathers day

he believes in aliens, ufos, crop circles, psychics, conspiracy theory news

he is a narcissist 100% according to all of the information I have found regarding narcs

he is a fear based individual and has a low social emotional iq

he does not know he has any problems at all, does not recognize there is something wrong with him. he has anosognosia. he denies he has mental issues.

according to him everyone else is stupid and crazy and has no idea what is going on

he is easily thrown off balance by the clothes i am wearing. if i am dressed in all black or white and put on a different color coat when we are out he has trouble finding me so i guess he is looking for my outfit

he is physically active which is good. he needs vigorous exercise usually a couple of hours after he wakes up 10 am to 2 or 3 pm

he is a morning person and hates doing things at night

nightly routine is sitting in front of his laptop computer for hours watching news videos world tragedies bad stuff deaths disasters 

he rejects good news, happy and positive thoughts and automatically says something nasty about how it is stupid and it won't last, is most comfortable in his state of misery, hatefulness, focuses on problems not solutions

he has a negative outlook on almost everything seeing the dark side of life. 

he focuses on money, material things, physical things, sex

he is a chronic complainer and accuses me of complaining

he never lived with another woman before me such as a girlfriend, partner, wife

he only lived with his mother, brothers and sisters. mother, a paranoid schizophrenic always causing trouble in the entire family and meddling gossiping sisters who controlled his life dominated his mind and tried to control all of his actions. his father left when he was around 5 years old moved away and the parents got a divorce. when dad died he couldn't go to the funeral in california. dad had lived with his sisters. dad father was schizophrenic and had thorazine shots pills and electroshock treatements for schizophrenia which did not work, did not make him better, did not cure him of his mental illness

his 4 brothers were all mentally ill; william/bill, larry, jerry /gerald and john lee. bill died from an accident, larry was locked up for 20 years in rockhill manor in kansas city for the mentally ill until his death, gerald/jerry saw psychiatrist in california and missouri and took meds sometimes and went to mental health facilites in many places here in kansas city missouri after he came here to visit in 1998; two rivers psychiatric, western missouri mental health, research psychiatric were a few of the places. JOHN was schizophrenic and i don't know if he ever received treatment. he filed a bogus lawsuit against us with 8 false allegations of us and we went to court in dallas texas in 2010 and won the case because we did none of the things he accused us of. 

his 4 sisters have mental problems; dorothy, sharon, sandy, karen. karen died she sought treatment for her schizophrenia and took a multitude or drugs prescriptions for her problems, none of which solved her issues. zanax, zyprexa (which made her gain alot of weight and get fat) were a couple of meds she took. 

he has trouble with organization/organizing things and making things clear, clean, neat, easy to find. he throws temper tantrums fits anytime a thing is moved around or changed or discarded

he conglomerates many different items in the same room having piles of stuff and multi colored patterns of things in the room and says it doens't bother him.

he likes erratic types of music with varying tempos and doesnt like music that have steady beats like dance hiphop rap. he says he can't understand the words or what they are saying in any music piece. he wont even try to listen to the lyrics of songs. i told him to have the lyrics displayed so he can read it. he does not want to bother understanding song meanings or story meanings. he watches stuff for the pictures and videos

he has tremendous difficulty interpreting meanings of anything including quotations, anything out of a book, an analogy, a comparison, a moral to a story, a motive, an intention, 

if i change my hair color he goes bonkers. if i wear any makeup especially eye mascara he notices immediately and comments on it. he likes it if i wear sexy outfits only at home behind closed doors. he insists on closing curtians blinds shades and gets extremely upset if i have no clothes on or no top or bottom thinking the neighbors are going to see any naked part of me. 

he is extremely sensitive to certain smells; perfumes, colognes, scented candles, some food items like fish seafood, popcorn, 

he thinks i should stop whatever u am doing and pay attention to him

says i dont care what you want. what you like

cant separate himself from others. as if all people should be just like him

cant distinguish individuality of beings

cant understand how or why anyone differs from him

thinks men and women are the same, have same desires, abilities, sexual needs and all think like him

like a small child who believes each person can read his mind knows what he wants and watches him listens to him all the time

obsessed with the weather, checking it every half hour or so everyday

knows cost of everything value of nothing

rarely calm. loses temper over little things that are preventable

simple tasks like dish washing, cleaning floors are difficult to accomplish when he is viewing watching me do it

constantly on edge. full of anxiety

doesnt know how to relax and does not want to

has trouble making decisions and at times makes impulsive buys and impulsively says or does things out of anger, irrational statements and actions

says i am the reason and cause for his anger when it is he who causes his own problems and frustration

Piagets stages of development.

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