Sunday, January 19, 2025

He focuses on problems not solutions. Excuses for everything

 any idea for a solution is immediately rejected

problems surmount and continue

if i/we/he is anywhere and i feel fine he will find or create a problem somehow

something is always wrong with anything anywhere

it is a comfort zone attitude for him

he is accustomed to frustration and thrives on it


he will not and will not allow me to insulate the garage, the windows or doors therefore creating problems maintaining the proper temperature in this house. so most days during fall, winter, summer it is either too hot or too cold

he will not let anyone in the house to give free estimates on any kind of insulation, heating or cooling methods or house repairs

he makes excuses for the condition of any area in the home each time i say something about it

this house is full of improvisations/rigged/riggs 

this house in some areas looks trashy, hillbilly, like crap : master bedroom looks like a ghetto trash room with cracks in ceiling and walls, a window a/c unit covered up with shitty looking stuff and drilled to the wall by boards, the floor tiles are ancient old 1960s asbestos cracked up and missing and partly covered with a filthy thin rug, there are not closet doors, no overhead lighting, the adjoining bathroom pocket door was never finished so the door cannot be locked, the master bathroom is unfinished; there is no trim around the door and the bathroom tub/shower area needs to have the shower bar properly installed into the walls instead of being pushed against walls to hold it, no trim above the tub enclosure, the tub drain is an old metal plug that doesn't fit quite right and will leak the water down the drain, the bedroom walls are not only cracked but filthy looking and no amount of wiping up with a cleaning solution has fixed it, the two huge windows in the mb were not installed properly (he did it back in 1991 before i moved in) he put expanding foam around edges which not only looks like shit but doesn't work to seal the cracks well, both windows have air leakage and below the windows as well, an old a/c unit used to be in the bedroom (there were 2 window units when he moved in) and there is no insulation over the hole where it was and no sheetrock so the hole is bare ..i covered it with some packing material to help stop some of the cold air draft coming into the room, ..
the second hallway still has 1963 old rotten carpet filthy and he wont remove it and replace it with new or some other decent used flooring, the two sets of stairs are bare wood and have old paint splatters on them and look like crap..they need to be covered with something tiles preferred and have slip stops put on the edges, the small bedroom he sleeps in upstairs looks like the court jester joker lives in there; dirty dusty nasty old blue carpet and a window a/c unit he covers in the winter, another window he boarded up and the placement of the a/c should not be where it is on the roof facing south..the hottest part of the place, the garage has 2 windows in it which are not insulated one has a fan he turns on in the summer and it lets in cold air in the winter, he put some kind of insulation stuff on the garage ceiling which flows and moves around making noise obviously the wrong type of thing to use on the ceiling...
he buys propane tanks and uses a portable heater for the garage which costs more unnecessary money instead of insulating the garage doors and windows, 

he cuts firewood just like his brother larry did and his uncle norman and uses it the heat the house. he fixes chainsaws which require a lot of maintenance and are used to cut the wood. instead of doing other things like properly insulate the house and find other ways to make money. 

these actions cause him to come into my room often to check and see if it is warm or cold in here because his main focus is the electric bill, the cost of electricity to cool and heat this place. he goes in and out the back door often to get wood which then allows alot of cold air to come in here then gets upset if i go out the front or back door and dont shut it immediately. 

he is obsessed with world wars fighting news politics and corrupt criminal people and how they need to be doing the right things

his irrational behavior causes me lots of distress and makes it difficult for me to accomplish things as quickly as i could under normal circumstances..without someone bothering me, asking me dumb questions as to why i am doing anything even sorting organizing cleaning things, moving things so i can clean out cobwebs dirt dust and all..  i have been unable to even consider obtaining a higher education living in this house with him due to his constant negativity, distractions, fighting with me making excuses and telling me i cant do anything like that.

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