Monday, September 28, 2015

i am not allowed to go to the doctor due the the husband's intense focus on finances:
money, his first and foremost main concern. i wouldn't doubt it if he took out a life
insurance policy on me just like his family members do and have done on each other
and he is just waiting for me to die so he can cash out on the insurance policy.
if i die before he does he will just blame my death on me and take zero responsibility
or blame for anything he has done or neglected to do regarding my health care or
health issues. to others he will feign ignorance of the seriousness of my health,
claiming he didn't know, claiming he told me so, claiming he worked hard and
did everything he could to help when in fact he did nothing to help,
feign actions and words of love for me which he never had,
provide false tears in public to sustain the show, then after awhile when it's
over with, proceed to find / locate his next victim, a friendly, innocent and kind
person who can feed his narcissistic supply. he will consider her as weak,
helpless, stupid and incapable of much of anything. he will take over her
vehicle/transportation/car/ride/ability to get around. he will dictate where she
should work, how she will dress, who she shall associate with and what her
interests should be, which should, of course only be his interests. she shall
not have her own interests, her own friends, family or hobbies or any activities
he does not participate in or approve of.

Concentrate your powers. Identify what you are particularly good at doing and do more of it. Brian Tracy

Concentrate your powers. Identify what you are particularly good at doing and do more of it.  Brian Tracy 

i don't know what you have experienced, i don't know how you feel, i only know what i have experienced and what i feel

i don't know what you have experienced, i don't know how you feel, i only know what i
have experienced and what i feel

Friday, September 25, 2015

9-24-15 dream woke up a little after 11 pm

9-24-15 dream woke up a little after 11 pm

he showed me papers of something he invested in a few years ago
he finally got them in the mail found out papers are worthless
he has had other mail and these papers sent to address
he has been renting an apt paying $1209 a month for unknown period of time
i said you have been paying out rent at this place for a long time
while getting mad at me for the bills at our house
no wonder why you're mad at me all of the time
you're putting out a lot of money in other places

he left baby alone unattended in apt 3c told me on 4th floor
made no sense should have been 3rd floor
a young shapely woman with short dark hair wearing tight dark
shorts and tight dark t-shirt was pushing a refrigerator down hallway of building we
were in
he saw her then another man saw her they both decided
to help her haul refrigerator in pickup truck dont know where to
they left me standing there

i started walking looking for address of apt
he told me look for westport business then harders cafe
he gave no exact street address just vague directions
i kept asking many people if they knew where westport and harders was
no one knew just gave vague or sarcastic answers
after walking several blocks a baby appeared behind me
walking and crying had coughed up milk residue all over his face
i began carrying the baby then on one neighborhood block
i saw a hippopotamus charging in my direction when i turned around
i quickly moved to right side of street it was muddy then i fell
with baby in my arms on muddy side of road and slid down the street
as the hippo ran down the middle of the road and went away
woke up
dreams don't seem to make sense

Thursday, September 24, 2015

There's nothing in the world like having the man you love, loved and waited for for many years tell you and treat you like you are a you're a worthless, good for nothing person.

There's nothing in the world like having the man you love, loved and waited for for many years
tell you and treat you like you are a you're a worthless, good for nothing person.
Older, now, I can't do what he does, the physical things a man can do, so now I am a
worthless piece of shit to him. Each and every thing is scrutinized, watched over, criticized,
regulated, monitored, devalued, minimized, measured in terms of monetary/money value
or in terms of what pleases him and him only.
He thinks he can strip away all the things that I am, everything I like, all things that make
me what I am and transform me into some thing that suits his each and every need and desire.
As if I am plastic that can be melted and molded into a form to fit the image he wants.

A soul cannot be sold. It can't be bought. It's not a piece of lifeless play dough with
artificial colors that can be constantly shaped and reshaped into some doll form that
suits your needs at the moment. 
Shoe shopping should be easy and fun for women. I guess it is if you have a B width foot.
Maybe shopping for shoes is relatively easy if you have a narrow foot with pointed and
slanted toes that have an angle like a shovel. Your foot will easily slide ride in those
sexy thigh high boots or those wonderful high heeled sandals with straps that go
over the both sides of your foot. Your foot can fit right into those classy dress shoes
with ease. It can slip into any tennis, walking or sport shoe with no problems.
If you have a triple E (EEE) width foot like me then 95% or more of the shoes don't fit.

Recently shopped at Walmart, Target and Foot Locker looking for shoes. Especially an all black,
unmarked tennis or walking shoe, a flat shoe with a black sole. No luck.

Guess what? I don't have a pointed foot. I don't have pointed toes. My foot is not
shaped like a funnel. My foot is wide and square. Toes are nice looking and
evenly distributed, compliments received often about how pretty my feet are.
I have a very high arch in the middle of my foot meaning the top and bottom (sole)
touch base, the center does not touch the ground. As a result, most sandals,
casual shoes, dress shoes, high heel shoes, boots, tennis shoes or walking shoes
in women's and even men's sizes, which come in a standard "D" width, don't fit right.

Extraterrestrial Life What Does the Bible Say?

Extraterrestrial Life What Does the Bible Say?


 Missing in this discussion is information that has been disallowed by the scientific method, which discards any information that cannot be verified or disproved by observation or experimentation.

That missing information is found in the Bible. The scientific approach generally leads to rejection of biblical facts and statements about other intelligent life, because science cannot prove those statements. This isn't necessarily the fault of science; it simply is the way the scientific discipline was established and functions. Of course, we can rely on something science has proven. But, like most things, even science has its limitations.

When the Bible reveals something of a spiritual nature, such information is often beyond the level of science. Science is often incapable of proving or disproving what is stated. The Bible describes this kind of information as revealed knowledge, or knowledge we cannot discover through human effort alone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

You can't brink back the dead. Your weak and feeble attempts to bribe me back

You can't brink back the dead. Your weak and feeble attempts to bribe me back
into your narcissistic supply have failed.
I have loved and not been loved.
Words are the weight of the anchor and cannot be taken back.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

in order to deal with a heart of steel you must get one for yourself

in order to deal with a heart of steel you must get one for yourself

how and why do you think you will be happy and make your life better by making someone else unhappy, sad, miserable, uncomfortable and suffer in pain?

how and why do you think you will be happy and make your life better
by making someone else unhappy, sad, miserable, uncomfortable and suffer in pain?

this is confusing, perplexing makes no sense to me

male man female male narcissistic control tactics and behaviors

male man female male narcissistic control tactics and behaviors

only do what you want to do
only do what interests you
perform activities that are absolutely necessary, do the bare minimum
and only work when you are sure to profit from those activities, especially
when making the most amount of money from doing them and receiving the
most amount of personal pleasure

force, insist, demand, coerce your spouse/partner/children, close family members
to associate only with your chosen family members/friends,neighbors, co-workers and
any other person you may know (because you are confident you
can manipulate these people)
and insist that they abandon any of their own family, friends,
co-workers or associates

force, insist, demand, coerce your spouse/partner/children, close family members
to give up any activity you do not approve of that makes them feel happy,
confident, secure, wanted, valued, appreciated and loved

push, force, coerce onto others those things you do not want to do
and things that do not interest you and be sure to remind them
and enforce the idea that those things they do are of little
importance, significance or worth and the things you do are
highly valued, much more important and worth more than
anything they could ever do

repeatedly remind those around you, especially the people you
live with of their low self worth and that they will never amount to anything
use examples of people they are close to or have been close to when possible
to reinforce the idea that they will never succeed at anything of value
ie: you're just like your mother, brother, father, cousin --a worthless mess-- and you
will end up just like them, a nothing with nothing, a nobody who no one wants around

don't do anything with anyone that does not interest you
steer the conversation back to your interests every time you talk to someone

only want, desire, respect people you've never had sex with and never will have sex with.
worship, idolize and  glorify models, super models, actors, actresses, musicians, sports professionals while at the same time
condemning, criticizing and showing almost no respect for any
person you have personal contact with

have highest respect for those in the media, people you cannot be
close to and have a personal relationship

disregard and disrespect those you are close to including family,

demand that your desires, wishes, wants and needs are fulfilled
disregarding the same for others

maintain control of every situation and encounter

do not participate in anything that makes you uncomfortable

when you do anything for anyone or give something anything
be sure to remind them continually and eternally about all of
the things you've done for them and how they owe you -- forever

ignore, don't listen to, minimize, undermine and condemn the thoughts, words, feelings, wishes, actions, deeds, gifts, talents, status, worth, abilities, intelligence and importance of those common people around you especially the people you live with

Friday, September 18, 2015

Not one person has physically done anything to help me with my body disability, deformity, handicap, pain, illness.

Not one person has physically done anything to help me with my body disability, deformity, handicap, pain, illness.
Everyone I have talked to tells me to go to the doctor which I cannot do.

I don't care what you have to say. I don't need your lectures.

I don't care what you have to say. I don't need your lectures.

This is what my husband says, both of my sons say to me

The general response to those who seek material and worldly gains only.
Immediate physical material monetary gains are expected and not appreciated.

In high school I was nothing. Today I am nothing.

In high school I was nothing. Today I am nothing.
I was nothing and of no importance during all school years:
kindergarten, grade school, junior high (now called "middle school" in
some areas), high school and technical school.
I was nothing to my parents other than an unwanted female / girl child in the way
expected to take care of my 3 younger male brothers.
I was and am an nothing to any of my siblings, brothers and sisters by blood.
I was, am and mean nothing to any of my family members related by blood
including children ( 2/ two sons), aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, nieces,
nephews or any other close or distant relatives.
I was, am and mean nothing to my current husband to whom I have been
legally married to since February 1998 and had a living partnership with since
December, 1991.
I was, am and mean nothing to two former husbands, the first married in May, 1979
ending in October, 1980, the second, married in October, 1981 ending in
November, 1991.
I was, am and have meant nothing to any male to which I have had contact
with in any way, be it verbally or physically.
I was, am and have meant nothing to any female in which I have had
contact in any way including so called "friends" or "friendship".
I was, am and have meant nothing to anyone in any job I have had.
I was, am and mean nothing to any neighbor I have or have ever had.
I was, am and mean nothing to any stranger I have met, meet or will meet.
Facts present themselves in current conditions and in thousands of incidents
to support the fact that my existence means nothing to any person anywhere.
I wonder why I am still alive, continuing to exist in this shell of a warped, twisted,
54 year old, out of shape body.

Knowledge is knowing when to come in out of the rain. Wisdom is doing it.

Knowledge is knowing when to come in out of the rain. Wisdom is doing it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Complainers live in hell. They don't go to hell. They are already there.

Complainers live in hell. They don't go to hell. They are already there.

Your Friends They are easy to spot. In a definition that goes back at least as far as Aristotle, a friend is simply one who makes us consistently feel happy, and we reciprocate.

Your Friends

They are easy to spot. In a definition that goes back at least as far as Aristotle, a friend is simply one who makes us consistently feel happy, and we reciprocate.

Anything that makes me feel good, any thing, thought, idea, action, activity, event I like and makes me more relaxed, natural and happy pisses him off.

Anything that makes me feel good, any thing, thought,
idea, action, activity, event I like and makes me
more relaxed, natural and happy pisses him off.

The little angry man who was never allowed to express his own
feelings of happiness, contentment and joy only knows how to
use his mind to express discontent, hate and prejudice.

He thinks and sees the evil, the bad, the negative side of everything.
He nitpicks, nags, complains, attacks, persecutes, blames, blows up in
madness regarding any threat or damage to a material nonliving thing,
yet completely disregards feelings or emotions of living beings.

He is consumed with Edgar Cayce, a person who was directly opposite
of him. He has no compassion or empathy for any living thing. He will
only do the bare minimum to support a life form only if he can
gain direct and immediate physical/material results that benefit his self.

He gives zero emotional support to me or anyone else. He expects others
to immediately support him in any thought or activiy he wants at the moment.
Everyone should do exactly as he wants. Everything should be precisely
the way he wants it. If things are not the way he wanted or expected
he rages, repeats himself endlessly, demands cooperation and conformity,
threatens, accuses, makes up stories about why a person did what they did
or does what they do. He insists on complete subordination of any person
close to him and of any person he considers a stranger.

He is never happy. Nothing is ever right.

He is never happy. Nothing is ever right.
I am a white/caucasion female/woman, 54 years old. Five foot five and a half (5'5 1/2"
and 125 lbs / pounds. Tonight he says I am too skinny, I lost
too much weight. At age 30 when we got together I weighed
118 lbs, 7 pounds less than I weigh now.
Almost every summer I lose around 10 pounds, just like I did this summer.
In a few months I will probably be back to around 135-140 lbs.

Gratitude and complaining

"All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it is truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy." - Dennis Prager

Take a moment to think about this statement. Have you ever known a happy person who wasn't grateful, or a grateful person who wasn't happy? Perhaps a way to look at this is that happiness is a result of gratitude. The wonderful thing about this is that, while we cannot always just choose to be happy, we can always choose to be grateful, which results in happiness.  So in a roundabout way, we are choosing happiness when we choose to be grateful.

There is always something to be grateful about.  You can be grateful that you are alive and have opportunities to learn and grow and share love. You can be grateful for the sun, the rain, the snow, the beauty of nature, the green of grass, the glory of trees, the color of flowers, the presence of animals, the food you eat. You can be grateful that you have a computer on which to read this article. If you have health, you can be grateful for that. If you have friends, you can be grateful for them. If you have a mate, children, a home, a car, a job, you can be grateful for them. You can choose to be grateful for all the big and little things in life, each and every moment. The more you choose to notice what is good and beautiful, the happier and more peaceful you will feel.

On the other hand, there are always things to complain about if that is your choice. Instead of noticing the beauty of the flowers, you can complain about having to water them. Instead of being grateful for the opportunity to be alive, you can complain about how hard it is. Instead of being grateful for the sun, the rain, or the snow, you can complain about how hot it is, how wet it is, how gloomy it is, or how cold it is.  Instead of being grateful for you food you eat, you can complain about how hard it is to cook it, or how expensive it is to buy it. Instead of being grateful for your health, you can complain about your weight. Instead of being grateful for your partner or your children, you can certainly find endless complains about them. The more you complain, the more unhappy you will feel. It is not the person or the situation or the event or the past or anything else that is causing your unhappiness - it is your choice to complain about it instead of discovering what is wonderful about it and being grateful for it.

At any given moment, we each get to choose which part of ourselves we want to express - our ego wounded self who lives in our mind, or true, essential Self who lives in our heart and soul. If you decide to trust your mind over your heart and soul, you will likely find yourself noticing what you don't like and complaining about it in order to attempt to control it. Complaining is a form of control and the mind believes that if you complain enough, you can have control over getting what you want.

Your true Self, the aspect of you that is connected with your higher Source of love and truth, lives in the present and feels grateful for the opportunity to express love and appreciation for all that is.

The really great thing is that, given that we are beings of free will, we get to choose to who we want to be, each and every moment! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

iq of 133 totally wasted, iq means nothing

iq of 133 totally wasted, iq means nothing
dish washing
emotionally supporting everyone else
loving, understanding others that don't love me
being the on-call errand runner, brake pedal pusher
being considerate and polite to others while they are not
considerate of me
listening to those who don't listen to me. they tell me to "shut up
i don't need to hear your lectures"
shunned and ignored, at home, at church, at jobs, in public,
by all of the neighbors, family, friends (which are few)

narcisstists desire is to dominate, destroy and consume the object of their desire, stripping the individual of their own free will until they are a completely submissive robot

narcisstists desire is to dominate, destroy and consume the
object of their desire, stripping the individual of their own
free will until they are a completely submissive robot

too many people pay too much attention to what others are doing and not enough attention to what they themselves are doing

too many people pay too much attention to what
others are doing and not enough attention to what they themselves are doing

distractions cause slow progress and lack of creation

distractions cause slow progress and lack of creation

it's a miracle any book was ever written

it's a miracle any book was ever written 

do a thing too much then one day you can't do it at all

do a thing too much then one day you can't do it at all

the more i learn, the more i know that i do not know

the more i learn, the more i know that i do not know

love spreading appeals to me naturally