Friday, September 18, 2015

In high school I was nothing. Today I am nothing.

In high school I was nothing. Today I am nothing.
I was nothing and of no importance during all school years:
kindergarten, grade school, junior high (now called "middle school" in
some areas), high school and technical school.
I was nothing to my parents other than an unwanted female / girl child in the way
expected to take care of my 3 younger male brothers.
I was and am an nothing to any of my siblings, brothers and sisters by blood.
I was, am and mean nothing to any of my family members related by blood
including children ( 2/ two sons), aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, nieces,
nephews or any other close or distant relatives.
I was, am and mean nothing to my current husband to whom I have been
legally married to since February 1998 and had a living partnership with since
December, 1991.
I was, am and mean nothing to two former husbands, the first married in May, 1979
ending in October, 1980, the second, married in October, 1981 ending in
November, 1991.
I was, am and have meant nothing to any male to which I have had contact
with in any way, be it verbally or physically.
I was, am and have meant nothing to any female in which I have had
contact in any way including so called "friends" or "friendship".
I was, am and have meant nothing to anyone in any job I have had.
I was, am and mean nothing to any neighbor I have or have ever had.
I was, am and mean nothing to any stranger I have met, meet or will meet.
Facts present themselves in current conditions and in thousands of incidents
to support the fact that my existence means nothing to any person anywhere.
I wonder why I am still alive, continuing to exist in this shell of a warped, twisted,
54 year old, out of shape body.

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...