Thursday, September 24, 2015

There's nothing in the world like having the man you love, loved and waited for for many years tell you and treat you like you are a you're a worthless, good for nothing person.

There's nothing in the world like having the man you love, loved and waited for for many years
tell you and treat you like you are a you're a worthless, good for nothing person.
Older, now, I can't do what he does, the physical things a man can do, so now I am a
worthless piece of shit to him. Each and every thing is scrutinized, watched over, criticized,
regulated, monitored, devalued, minimized, measured in terms of monetary/money value
or in terms of what pleases him and him only.
He thinks he can strip away all the things that I am, everything I like, all things that make
me what I am and transform me into some thing that suits his each and every need and desire.
As if I am plastic that can be melted and molded into a form to fit the image he wants.

A soul cannot be sold. It can't be bought. It's not a piece of lifeless play dough with
artificial colors that can be constantly shaped and reshaped into some doll form that
suits your needs at the moment. 

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