Thursday, January 2, 2020

definition of mind fuck

definition of mind fuck

taboo slang the deliberate infliction of psychological damage

this is what narcs* do

1. rude slang Something that is extremely confusing or mind-boggling.
Well, that's a total mindfuck! Can you please try explaining it again in terms the average person would understand?
That movie was a mindfuck. The one character existed in seven different time periods!
2. rude slang Something intentionally done to cause someone else emotional distress or confusion, as in an act of manipulation.
Have you heard the horrible things her husband has said to her? They're all total mindfucks, and the worst part is, she's starting to believe them.
3. vulgar slang An imagined sexual experience.
Based on the way he blushes every time he looks at you now, you've definitely starred in one of his mindfucks.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


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