Saturday, January 18, 2020

When I was 16 the only thing I could cook was a grilled cheese sandwich and heat up a can of soup.

When I was 16 the only thing I could cook was a grilled cheese sandwich and heat up a can of soup. Now I can cook a lot of food dishes and I enjoy it.
When I go to a restaurant I can enjoy the food and realize the
actual cost of the food and often think I could make that at home even better
and healthier than that. I think I know what I am putting in the food I
make at home.

Time is what it takes. Patience, thought, feeling and planning.
Clean up, doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen takes time
and it is worth the wait.

Fast food and premade pre seasoned, pre chopped
convenience restaurant food and snack food is designed for those who work
full time jobs don't have the time or interest in preparing food.
It tastes really good but you will pay the price with your life ending early.

metabolic syndrome
liver failure, kidney failure, heart failure, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder,
adrenal glands, brain degeneration
Psychiatric problems


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