Sunday, January 26, 2020

World is designed to get you sick and keep you down

World is designed to get you sick and keep you down
run yourself ragged into the ground
until your early death and
never have time to think in solitude

forbidden to have a mind of your own
not allowed to get enough rest or pace yourself
constantly compared with the rest
competing to get nowhere but dead
at your expense not theirs

If you are alone you will be aware of what is happening
in the news, the media, the society of the world with
ads promoting activities, drinks, foods that are unhealthy
promoting overindulgence lacking in moderation
causing addictions of every kind
to ease the pain induced by
going against your very nature

This keeps the money go round going
ran by the minority of the financially wealthy rich
who know not to do what they tell us to do
filling your head with hypocritical lies
do as I say not as I do


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