Monday, January 20, 2020

Experiences and routines activate genes.

Experiences and routines activate genes.

I was not born obese. I was born slim weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.
I am not and never have been obese.
Obesity is created through activities, routines/habits/thought processes.

I was not born with cancer.
I do not have it, never did and never will.

Cancer is created through experiences, exposure and habits.

My father died at 75 due to taking a dozen, 12 different
prescription medications to treat
diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, etc.

He acquired lung cancer/liver problems due to
his experiences and daily habits of
overeating highly processed foods with lots of sugar
lack of proper exercise
not getting enough sleep
working long hours every day
ingesting too much coffee/caffeine
drinking too much whiskey and/or beer at night
beginning when he was 50 years old,
thanks to his 3rd wife he married July 4, 1977.
She was ignorant, not a very bright person and
fed him a diet full of all types of wrong foods
and pushed him to overeat and wouldn't let him
get enough sleep.

When he began eating sugar free foods like pancake syrup
he developed severe "cluster" headaches like migraines
and had blurred vision, severe watering of his eyes.
I now realize why he had those terrible headaches.
He was allergic to sugar free substances like me.
He was and I am
phenylketonuric, pku. Cannot process the
amino acid: l-phenylalanine.

Warning Phenylketonurics: Contains L-Phenylalanine

I cannot digest sucralose or saccharin or any other
artificial sweeteners.

Aspartame Side Effects - Aspartame Dangers Revealed!

My grandmother on my mom's side also had
severe migraines for many years and she didn't know why.

She would "randomly' suffer from a migraine headaches for
several days or a week and would go to the doctor to
get a pill: caffergot, to "prevent" the headaches from
coming. But it didn't work. She was using artificial
sweeteners, saccarhin being her favorite, in her decaffeinated coffee.

She also drank coffee mixes like
that contain artificial ingredients.

Amazing she lived to almost 92 and died with alzheimer's disease.
It was several wrong ingredients that made her sick.
She also ate alot of margarine (fleishman's was one of the most
common) and thought she was doing the right thing by
eliminating "bad" fats from her diet like any kind of
animal grease (bacon, beef, chicken fat, etc.). She
had stomach surgery and used to say she had "half her guts
taken out". She also had back surgery to correct a
slipped disc when I was 5, back in 1966. She was 50
years old at the time.


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