Saturday, August 7, 2021

Before, during or after an important happy joyful event are favorite times for narcs to act up like a pure d ass hole

Before, during or after an important happy joyful event
are favorite times for narcs to act up like a pure d ass hole

they will say they deserve credit for any good or success you
have or have experienced or will have and say
if it wasn't for me, then you would not have this or that or
wouldn't have known about such and such

blow up yell 
have a fit tantrum
blame cuss accuse threaten humiliate or any
other negative set of words or actions to attempt to
destroy the happiness of me or you or anyone
who desires to feel good

meal times

wedding prep preparations
job interviews

get togethers
social events

my ex previous prior husband and current do this rotten stuff often

ex "ED or Eddie/Eddy as his mom calls him'
blew up threw fit when he, me and his mom were in sherri's bridals
looking at wedding dresses
I found the perfect little dress and it was supposed to be a surprise
when the groom sees the bride walking down the aisle
OH NO he demanded he had to see it so we ended up
with me having NO wedding dress due to him spoiling the
entire shopping venture
and we had NO wedding, no honeymoon, nothing to celebrate

when he knew I was going to a photo session for modelling he would throw
a demand fit of whatever he wanted at the time to get me into a bad feeling
mood so I would not be happy and smiling

eddie still does this sh**t today as his mom, sister and other family and friends
tell me they dont want him around on holidays like fathers day which I
attended on the spur of the moment at his sweet sister's house 
she lisa said I am GLAD he did not come. He just acts up whenever he is around.
I am really GLAD you came Sarah. We love you (from Lisa and his mom Patty)

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