Saturday, August 7, 2021

narc is proud of themselves denies others are proud of you

 narc is proud of themselves denies others are proud of you

"I suppose people have to say SOMETHING", he said when I told him the
nurses said it was one of my callings to be a care giver nurse

"he only said that because he is trying to be nice " when a person said to me
in front of the narc "I like your hair. It looks real good and nice"

"You don't look THAT good" said by ex Ed years ago and he is an obsessed
porn user to the max

"Your back looks terrible" said often by current to make me "realize" just how
very bad I look and that no one would want me or anyone who has such a 
bad looking back YET he claims intermittently between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
phases that " I still love you even though your back is like that. I don't care how it
looks. "

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