Saturday, August 7, 2021

"You need to change your attitude or I am gonna bust you punch you in the face"

Reality is that HE needs to change HIS attitude 
and quit pushing his shitty words comments onto me

 So this is what he says now many times lately to me when he is the one
pissed frustrated angry throwing fits over any little things and is being a
jack ass almost all the time

Psychological  projection of the self directing its own feelings upon others
blaming me of being an ass hole bitch when I am the peacemaker
loving understanding one and avoiding his presence as he 
dons that nasty sounding voice, which he says that
I AM Being nasty, that I started it, that I provoked all this crap
when was doing nothing, as an example,

last night I was wiping off the kitchen counter after doing dishes and earlier
he expressed his pissed offed ness over how my daughter in law doesn't deserve to
make that kind of money its not work she does anyway and
they the nurses hospital workers
just get on the computer wipe someone's ass ocassionally they don't really work
hard and neither them or anyone should earn that much money

so he attacked me verbally again after I came back inside the first time he
began attacking me over this issue he has

he said i started it as i wiped off the counter when i was not saying anything just
busy working on the kitchen and accused me of provoking him when he
in fact provoked himself 

so i said this because you are comparing yourself to other people and you
are experiencing jealousy and he did admit that and said YES I am jealous! NO
ONE should make that kind of money. How much to you think the trash man
earns or anyone else? 

I said "I don't know how much trash men make"

He said "Probably not much more than minimum wage and they work very hard"

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