Monday, August 2, 2021

Narc tests actions attitudes behaviors.. I am always in the wrong. Unethical human beings

Little things not appreciated in life or nature

Expects instant results. Anger shows its face when things don't go as they want.

I will be wrong regardless of what I say or do

I will not be correct about much of anything

I will never be good enough

I will never be pretty enough

I will constantly be saying or doing the wrong thing

They will change the/their rules according to their mood so that
they will always appear to be right and on top at all times

I will never please them. They can't be happy or pleased for very long
about much of anything.

I will not be beautiful if at all for very long. Once their mood wears off
they will view me as the ugly one and the cause of all of their
dissatisfaction, unhappiness, misery, anger, temper tantrums,
"provocations" (they say I do things to provoke their bad behavior
which actually exists within them and has nothing to do with me)

It is always my fault if anything "bad" happens at any time

I am told I am a magnet for trouble

I am told I am not pleasant to be around as I am actually the peace maker
and it is repeated to me more and more after their tantrum fits are thrown

I am to blame, blamed for what I did not do. They are never to blame

I am supposed to feel guilty about things I never did. They are not guilty at any time

I am to be in shame, ashamed

I am told I should have known better regarding any situation as if I
can predict the future and know exactly what anyone else is going to do,
what other people's motives are and know in advance before any event
occurs that it is going to happen as it does

I am, have been and will continue to be accused of the very things they are
thinking and doing and have thought about or actually done

I am asked questions interrogated about each and every thing I say, think,
do, feel, plan, and about any movement of my body

I am pushed beyond my limit of anything and pushed even harder when I
am tired, weak, ill, sick, not feeling well, unable to do something

I am told I don't want to do things that I am unable to do

I am told I am stupid, lazy, worthless

I hear about how stupid others are and how some people don't deserve to
even eat food they are so worthless and don't amount to anything and don't
deserve to have a thing or to live

I hear narcissist deny/denial of things they say and do and hear 
their reasoning which they say is logic/logical for why they did do
what they did --IF they even admit to any type of wrongdoing. 
Most of the time they will justify any thing they admit to doing and
deny having done any wrong action 

They do not understand the basic laws of man, nature, the government,
the police, justice, society, the world and often believe they can say and do
exactly what they want without regard or remorse or any fashion 

Boundaries do not exist for other people, animals, property, items or anything else
for they believe they can create, destroy, smash, take, steal, whatever
they feel like doing at the moment with no consequences to be faced 

I am told that if they did something such as smash someone's face in then
they will be in court explaining to the judge and jury 

why they did this thing to this
person who provoked them and therefore they had the full right to do
this damage to this person or their property because the other one 
"made them"/ caused them /forced them to do it

If a tear or tears or crying takes place it is usually fake phone false

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