Saturday, August 7, 2021

Spoiling things by acting spoiled like a brat is hallmark of narcissist

 since they demand immediate attention at all times
and feel like they are the only one that matters most
it is a requirement for them to

throw fits
act up
scream, yell, throw things

kick stuff
destroy other people's stuff
get rid of others things
complain nag bitch whine about anything they don't like

and demand insist they have their own selfish way
totally lacking consideration of any other person
or life form

i guess they believe/think they are the center of the universe
and totally GOD and can do no wrong ever
at any time
or ever make a mistake (sin), do wrong

because whatever they think, do or say is absolute gospel 

in their own mind not to others

they put on the angelic view to strangers, usually ones they think 
they will see again and neighbors, etc

they will show their ass though to people in public they think

they will never see again

example recently he jumped out the van vehicle i was am driving

to cuss out a person in the drive thru at burger king

yelling they were in the way what the goddamn dam hell are you doing
blocking the way to get out of here to the 350/50 hwy in raytown, mo

so i sit in the van behind drivers wheel hoping praying 
internally crossing my fingers in my mind the person in the car
does not respond with anger, doesn't have a gun or other weapon
and does not jump out the vehicle and punch hit grab kick or
otherwise harm him or me as I sit there
innocently like a bystander watching this crazy shit
that people think are things that only happen
in the movies

No, this is REAL life, people.

This shit happens frequently in my life living with the major narc
who seems to have zero, little or no control over his emotions
feelings at the time

God only knows what he says and does when I am not around

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