Thursday, August 5, 2021

If I'm found injured or dead he did it.

 The spouse husband did it. The most common murderer is the spouse just like in movies and the news stories.  

Chances are very slim any stranger or anyone else  I know or meet would  hurt me.

Just the spouse who slammed my back into  the  wall tonight,

Threatened to disable my vehicle, get a divorce, demanding I change my nasty attitude when he is  the nasty one. Horrible voice hateful. 

Switches personalities like a light switch instantly when talking to anyone  else like a neighbor,  

He has faux strangled me several times over the years, pushed, shoved, knocked me down to the floor. Doubled up his fist waving it in my face threatening to punch or bust me countless times. 

A lot of good  this will do to write all this when I won't be around to do anything about anything. 

Criminals know how to work the system be fake around authorities get by with things against the law for many years,,,some never get caught and jailed,  the ones caught learn how to be better at being a criminal while incarcerated... believing they are smarter than everyone else will never get caught and everyone else is stupid. 

I hear him say daily how stupid other people are, how he is not stupid and how smart and clever he is. 

But reality is police won't can't do anything until there is a missing or a found dead body or body part,

If the body is still alive,  intact or damaged the criminal skates along scot free. 

The criminal perp dons the sweet face instantly in front of authority figures convincing them of his or her innocence and honesty as he smirks under his breath when he turns his face to evil when they are not looking at his face. 

He's always looking around to see who's looking at him. 

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