Monday, October 25, 2021

All about John

 pushes everything to and beyond its limit

never satisfied

overdoes it all

excess: eating food, collecting

hoarder to level 4 of hoarding disorder

paranoid personality disorder

used to overeat daily : eating an entire whole cake or pie in one evening
almost everyday was his norm

is type 2 insulin injected diabetic nowadays as a result of massive 
overcomsumption of sweets sugar candy and artficially sweetened
foods and drinks: sucralose, aspartame, splenda, equal,

has to have soda (diet pop) with meal

insists on dessert after eating a meal lunch dinner 

flavored coffee artifically of course is one of his favorite drinks


has temper tantrums fits when he doesn't get his way

conceals, hides information about his theft thieving
deceitful activities

won't tell anyone why he can't drive a vehicle for over 15 years now

believes he can do whatever he wants with his computer 
including violating laws rules internet safety regulations
used and will get on the things he calls pirate bay to steal stuff on the net
grabbing illegal d/ls downloads of movies music or whatever else

does not clean up anything

if it hits the floor it stays there

lies, cheats

feigns niceness acts sweet and polite prior to demanding begging to
to try to get what he wants

march 2022 said "i have committed perjury (in court) before and I'll do it again"
smugly. threatened to call the police and allege/say i did wrongful things to get
me in trouble because he is demanding
access to what little money he had in bank so he can buy more things he can't have in his room

he is in long term nursing care facility indefinitely and doesn't believe the facility is due
all of his retirement income except 50 dollars. he thinks he can get access to account and 

beging buying all kinds of things on the internet amazon or anywhere
and wants his burned up broken screen laptop so he can "buy a new screen" for it
and put it back together which is impossible due to his hands shaking uncontrollably

is bedridden wearing diaper and full catheter / can't get up out of bed

bdsm believes in master slave slavery

political science major

can talk up a storm and very intelligent/intelligently 

smart persuasive

says "yotta yotta yada " as a filler in sentences often

loves sweets and breads 

big mommas cinnamon rolls with lots of icing is one favorite

rye bread is a fav. he had a 25 lb bag of flour in the kitchen he'd bought off of amazon right before i/we began cleaning out his hoarder house

minimizes the amount of time it takes to do anything such as cleaning up his living room or any area at his old house. he claims he could have cleaned up the living room or dining room in 30 minutes and in reality it would take hours and hours to do this due to the huge amount of stuff stacked all the way up to the ceiling in almost every room of the house ( a 3 bedroom 3 bath ranch style house with full basement and large patio in the back)

never sold online with ebay or any other venue . it takes too much time to do this along with

effort organization planning cleaning preparedness

he wants almost everything immediately and that is what he says "I want this NOW,. I want it in my hand now, I want it immediately!!"

impatient. greedy, gluttony gluttonous. sloth/slothful.  angry holds onto anger for long periods of time yet states he blows up and is over it in 15 seconds

in state of denial about many things 

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