Sunday, October 31, 2021

Humility Lessons Facts

All material things are temporary and wll be taken away

My existence is temporary in this body

All organic life is temporarily alive

Other people exist: I am NOT exclusive to anyone

I am not special, unique or important to most people

Males desire to mate with almost any being (female, male or inanimate)

Sex is the only thing any male has needed/wanted from me

Materialism results in negative and destructive behavior in humans

Quantity is more important than quality with some human males 
(The more women, men, people or any entity
 they can have sex with, the better.
They are not nearly as picky as I am
when choosing or getting a sex partner/object.
They just want a hole to insert their penis in.
They want to stick their dick in as many holes as possible.
It is a victory for them; a badge to wear; something to be proud of
and brag about if they tend to be egotistical braggarts.)

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