Monday, October 18, 2021

"Men will hit on anything" said by my friend Sharon way back in 2013 and 2014

 so i can't take it personally at all because the guy man boy 

or whoever or whatever will

hit on literally any thing regardless of how it she he looks acts ?

yes or no.. of course it is true

so is it also true that "women will hit on anything"?   i wonder about this

depends on the guy the man and where he stands feels at the moment

given enough time without having sex he will hit on it

whatever it happens to be here or there anywhere

lying around or standing there 

or moving or not

age does not matter, background or anything nothing matters period

except for the current condition of horniness the person is experiencing

some guy said to me well it depends on how long its been since you've had sex

as to whether or not i will  or you should take advantage of it/her/him whatever 

and he 

justified his decision to do it according to how long it has been since

the biological act as happened 

and it has nothing to do with whether or

not he or she is with a woman or man already 

or is married or not ..has not a damned thing to

do with how much how often or how good the sex is with his wife or gf girlfriend

or any friend male or otherwise regardless of the status of the sex of the person or


if you or anyone anybody anything happens to be in the line of fire

of desire at the moment when the need needs to be met

you will be approached by this one or that individual or even a group of them

to have sex whether you are willing

 or not willing, want to or not want to

so i suppose it does not matter

no one is left out

any and everyone is a target at anytime anywhere

is it happenstance if that is even a word??

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