Thursday, November 11, 2021

Chronic stress destroys it all regardless of diet, exercise, money.. Dump it.

 Avoid stressful people

and situations you/I don't need

Conflict on constant basis with no relief and no possibility of joy

is the same as being chased by a wild animal (lions, tigers and bears 

ha ha)

and you're running at top speed to get away

to save your life

but you can't get away from the beast

chasing you mentally

eliminate any unnecessary stress

Your kidneys overproduce adrenaline

your liver and kidneys crash

you're dead, going to push yourself into an early grave

running yourself ragged into the ground (the GRAVE)

for the WHAT?  the almighty DOLLAR

working for a slave owner who thinks they are your master

HUH! Who is the master, who's your boss??

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