Monday, November 22, 2021

wimp man chicken shit actions

 the weak wimp wimpy male

does not want to any other male viewing the female woman wife gf girlfriend anywhere at

will not want to be in the company of others or in any crowd of people

with the woman because he will not stand up for

defend her ever at any moment in time for any reason

is not proud of the woman in his life

will not tell her any positive things about her so that he

can try to destroy her self confidence and feelings of self worth and 


he spends massive amounts of money on himself and any items

he wants and throws a super fit temper tantrum if he think that

his woman has or desire any thing service, activity that

costs any money and 

even becomes irate when she does any action that is completely

FREE costs no money at all

and that activity makes her happy

so she is beautiful without having any extra anything to try to

make herself attractive

he will not compliment her in public or rarely say any nice thing to her in

private. this is designed to keep her down in in control as if she is an

inanimate material object such as a piece of wood or plastic, metal or any other

material that cannot breathe eat or do any other life function

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