Thursday, November 11, 2021

Identifying snake dick ass behaviors and rotten personality

 Easy to do:

Are you/they complaining 


whining bitching moaning a lot?

Are you being greedy, selfish, self-centered me first and plain mean?


Rude, pushy, hateful, resentful, vengeful?

Egotistical, cocky, holier than thou

my shit don't stink attitude?

Is each and everything an episode of destruction

with you or them throwing a temper tantrum fit

like a little tyrant who can't have their own way

with it all?

Are you threatening someone, somebody, some thing with some

kind of destruction or loss?

Do you place too high of a value on your stuff

saying well I have got to get at least this much money out of 

that thing or else I am NOT going to sell it

then turn around and

not want to pay anything for anything expecting alot of things

to be plain FREE and people to do stuff for you for NOTHING

because you think EVERYONE OWES YOU


Do you HATE to do anything for anyone?

Do you DESPISE others and hate animals and children?

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